lvandeve / lodepng

PNG encoder and decoder in C and C++.
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Sudden increase in build size #175

Closed AntTheAlchemist closed 1 year ago

AntTheAlchemist commented 1 year ago

I've just built the latest source and noticed quite a large jump in the binary size compared to a couple of days ago. I understand the size will slowly creep up as new features are added, but this latest jump is huge, and I didn't see any new features? I'm already using SDL_LEAN_AND_MEAN to keep the size low.

On Android, my previous .aab build was 2.46 MB, now it's 2.72 MB. On Windows 10, the SDL2.dll was 767 KB, now it's 827 KB.

I noticed some recent build config changes, has something been broken?

AntTheAlchemist commented 1 year ago

Sorry, ignore this, meant to post this on SDL2's gitup and ended up here by mistake :-D