lvermeulen / Bitbucket.Cloud.Net

C# client for Atlassian Bitbucket Cloud
MIT License
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Fix branch model settings not posting correct format + response #10

Closed Bob343 closed 4 years ago

Bob343 commented 4 years ago

Branch model settings expected "hotfix"/"feature" etc for the BranchTypes, and the enum wasn't being serialized correctly so it was sending 1/2/3/4, resulting in: image

Additionally, the API returns the new branch model back to you, which can be deserialized back into a BranchModel object.

lvermeulen commented 4 years ago

Thanks @Bob343 !

Bob343 commented 4 years ago

@lvermeulen Do you post updated npm packages with these PRs?

lvermeulen commented 4 years ago

No, but I do release a new NuGet package. :-) Release 1.0.3 is the one with your fix.