lvermeulen / Bitbucket.Net

C# client for Atlassian Bitbucket Server
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DeclinePullRequest is throwing 405 error #7

Closed nikitha789 closed 5 years ago

nikitha789 commented 5 years ago

While using DeclinePullrequest Method,it is failing with status code 405.

FlurlHttpException: DELETE{projectkey}/repos/{slug}/pull-requests/1898/decline?version=2 failed with status code 405 ().

This is the method I have defined using the bitbucket package

`public bool DeclineUnapprovedBuildMasterPullRequests() { var openBuildMasterUnapprovedPullRequests = GetOpenBuildMasterPullRequests().Where(pr=> pr.Reviewers.Count(rev => rev.Approved) <PULL_APPROVAL_THRESHOLD).ToList();

        if (openBuildMasterUnapprovedPullRequests.Count > 0)
            foreach (var pullRequest in openBuildMasterUnapprovedPullRequests)

                var declinePullRequest = bitbucketClient.DeclinePullRequestAsync(settings.ProjectKey, settings.RepositorySlug, pullRequest.Id, pullRequest.Version).Result;
                if (!declinePullRequest)
                    return false;

        return true;


lvermeulen commented 5 years ago

I'm using the wrong verb there, fixed in release 2.1.3