lvermeulen / Keycloak.Net

C# client for Keycloak 6.x
MIT License
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Can you switch to Flurl.Http from Flurl.Signed.Http #57

Open eshkard opened 3 years ago

eshkard commented 3 years ago

Hi, Can you please switch Flurl unsigned package? If you like to have your package signed you can also create Signed an Unsigned version of nuget package

Thank's, Evegeny

maximiliancsuk commented 3 years ago


My usecase is that I want to use this library together with Keycloak.Protection.Net, which uses the unsigned version of Flurl.Http. Referencing both breaks all calls to Flurl: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'Flurl.StringExtensions.AppendPathSegment(string, object, bool)' and 'Flurl.StringExtensions.AppendPathSegment(string, object, bool)'

In general, upgrading to a latest Flurl version seems reasonable. There's already a pull request to update to 3.2.0. It's the signed version but that could easily be amended.

AnderssonPeter commented 2 years ago

I have created a new nuget package that has this fix