lvgl / lv_binding_micropython

LVGL binding for MicroPython
MIT License
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Error on typedef of enum #115

Closed amirgon closed 3 years ago

amirgon commented 3 years ago

When trying to include "esp_http_server.h" in espidf.h, the binding scripts stops with an error:

ESPIDFMOD-GEN build-GENERIC_SPIRAM/espidfmod/mp_espidf.c
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../../lib/lv_bindings/gen/", line 1205, in <module>
    member_names = [ for member in enum_def.type.values.enumerators if not'_')]
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'enumerators'

The may be related to typedef of enum:

typedef enum http_method httpd_method_t;

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