lvgl / lv_binding_micropython

LVGL binding for MicroPython
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st77xx bgr setting incorrect? #237

Closed BrianPugh closed 1 year ago

BrianPugh commented 1 year ago


I'm currently writing a generic ILI9341 display driver (color depth 16; RGB565) that inherits from St77xx_hw, and finally have it working, but I think there are some bugs in the St77x_hw implementation but don't have the hardware to test it. I've uncovered this because in order to get the correct colors on my ILI9341 display, I have to:

  1. Set the BGR flag in MADCTL.
  2. Set the self.disp_drv.color_format = lv.COLOR_FORMAT.NATIVE_REVERSE

With the current code as-is, this is an impossible configuration. Also, I'm not even sure if the current implementation logically makes sense, as it's "double applying" the color swap.

My solution currently, works, but I'm just wondering if the generic St77xx_hw code contains a bug.

For reference, my current ILI9341 driver code is listed below. It could be that the St77xx_hw code is correct and somehow I'm double flipping something. For example, you'll notice I modified the rotation lookup; for portrait to render correctly I need to set _MADCTL_MX.

from micropython import const
from .st77xx import St77xx_hw, St77xx_lvgl

# Command constants from ILI9341 datasheet
_NOP = const(0x00)  # No-op
_SWRESET = const(0x01)  # Software reset
_RDDID = const(0x04)  # Read display ID info
_RDDST = const(0x09)  # Read display status
_SLPIN = const(0x10)  # Enter sleep mode
_SLPOUT = const(0x11)  # Exit sleep mode
_PTLON = const(0x12)  # Partial mode on
_NORON = const(0x13)  # Normal display mode on
_RDMODE = const(0x0A)  # Read display power mode
_RDMADCTL = const(0x0B)  # Read display MADCTL
_RDPIXFMT = const(0x0C)  # Read display pixel format
_RDIMGFMT = const(0x0D)  # Read display image format
_RDSELFDIAG = const(0x0F)  # Read display self-diagnostic
_INVOFF = const(0x20)  # Display inversion off
_INVON = const(0x21)  # Display inversion on
_GAMMASET = const(0x26)  # Gamma set
_DISPLAY_OFF = const(0x28)  # Display off
_DISPLAY_ON = const(0x29)  # Display on
_SET_COLUMN = const(0x2A)  # Column address set
_SET_PAGE = const(0x2B)  # Page address set
_WRITE_RAM = const(0x2C)  # Memory write
_READ_RAM = const(0x2E)  # Memory read
_PTLAR = const(0x30)  # Partial area
_VSCRDEF = const(0x33)  # Vertical scrolling definition
_MADCTL = const(0x36)  # Memory access control
_VSCRSADD = const(0x37)  # Vertical scrolling start address
_PIXFMT = const(0x3A)  # COLMOD: Pixel format set
_WRITE_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS = const(0x51)  # Brightness hardware dependent!
_WRITE_CTRL_DISPLAY = const(0x53)
_READ_CTRL_DISPLAY = const(0x54)
_WRITE_CABC = const(0x55)  # Write Content Adaptive Brightness Control
_READ_CABC = const(0x56)  # Read Content Adaptive Brightness Control
_WRITE_CABC_MINIMUM = const(0x5E)  # Write CABC Minimum Brightness
_READ_CABC_MINIMUM = const(0x5F)  # Read CABC Minimum Brightness
_FRMCTR1 = const(0xB1)  # Frame rate control (In normal mode/full colors)
_FRMCTR2 = const(0xB2)  # Frame rate control (In idle mode/8 colors)
_FRMCTR3 = const(0xB3)  # Frame rate control (In partial mode/full colors)
_INVCTR = const(0xB4)  # Display inversion control
_DFUNCTR = const(0xB6)  # Display function control
_PWCTR1 = const(0xC0)  # Power control 1
_PWCTR2 = const(0xC1)  # Power control 2
_PWCTRA = const(0xCB)  # Power control A
_PWCTRB = const(0xCF)  # Power control B
_VMCTR1 = const(0xC5)  # VCOM control 1
_VMCTR2 = const(0xC7)  # VCOM control 2
_RDID1 = const(0xDA)  # Read ID 1
_RDID2 = const(0xDB)  # Read ID 2
_RDID3 = const(0xDC)  # Read ID 3
_RDID4 = const(0xDD)  # Read ID 4
_GMCTRP1 = const(0xE0)  # Positive gamma correction
_GMCTRN1 = const(0xE1)  # Negative gamma correction
_DTCA = const(0xE8)  # Driver timing control A
_DTCB = const(0xEA)  # Driver timing control B
_POSC = const(0xED)  # Power on sequence control
_ENABLE3G = const(0xF2)  # Enable 3 gamma control
_PUMPRC = const(0xF7)  # Pump ratio control

_MADCTL_MY = const(0x80)  # page address order (0: top to bottom; 1: bottom to top)
_MADCTL_MX = const(0x40)  # column address order (0: left to right; 1: right to left)
_MADCTL_MV = const(0x20)  # page/column order (0: normal mode 1; reverse mode)
_MADCTL_ML = const(0x10)  # line address order (0: refresh to to bottom; 1: refresh bottom to top)
_MADCTL_BGR = const(0x08) # colors are BGR (not RGB)
_MADCTL_RTL = const(0x04) # refresh right to left

    const(_MADCTL_MX),  # 0 = portrait
    const(_MADCTL_MV),  # 1 = landscape
    const(_MADCTL_MY),  # 2 = inverted portrait
    const(_MADCTL_MX | _MADCTL_MY | _MADCTL_MV),  # 3 = inverted landscape

class Ili9341_hw(St77xx_hw):
    def __init__(self, res, **kw):
                (240, 320),

    def config_hw(self):
                (_SLPOUT, None, 100),
                (_PWCTRB, b"\x00\xC1\x30"),  # Pwr ctrl B
                (_POSC, b"\x64\x03\x12\x81"),  # Pwr on seq. ctrl
                (_DTCA, b"\x85\x00\x78"),  # Driver timing ctrl A
                (_PWCTRA, b"\x39\x2C\x00\x34\x02"),  # Pwr ctrl A
                (_PUMPRC, b"\x20"),  # Pump ratio control
                (_DTCB, b"\x00\x00"),  # Driver timing ctrl B
                (_PWCTR1, b"\x23"),  # Pwr ctrl 1
                (_PWCTR2, b"\x10"),  # Pwr ctrl 2
                (_VMCTR1, b"\x3E\x28"),  # VCOM ctrl 1
                (_VMCTR2, b"\x86"),  # VCOM ctrl 2
                (_VSCRSADD, b"\x00"),  # Vertical scrolling start address
                (_PIXFMT, b"\x55"),  # COLMOD: Pixel format
                (_FRMCTR1, b"\x00\x18"),  # Frame rate ctrl
                (_DFUNCTR, b"\x08\x82\x27"),
                (_ENABLE3G, b"\x00"),  # Enable 3 gamma ctrl
                (_GAMMASET, b"\x01"),  # Gamma curve selected
                (_SLPOUT, None, 100),
                (_DISPLAY_ON, None),
    def apply_rotation(self,rot):
        self.rot = rot
        if (self.rot % 2)==0:
            self.width, self.height = self.res
            self.height, self.width = self.res
        self.write_register(_MADCTL, bytes([
            (_MADCTL_BGR if self.bgr else 0) | _MADCTL_ROTS[self.rot%4]

class Ili9341(Ili9341_hw, St77xx_lvgl):
    def __init__(self, res, doublebuffer=True, factor=4, **kw):
        """See :obj:`Ili9341_hw` for the meaning of the parameters."""
        Ili9341_hw.__init__(self, res=res, **kw)
        St77xx_lvgl.__init__(self, doublebuffer, factor)
amirgon commented 1 year ago

Hi @BrianPugh,

I've uncovered this because in order to get the correct colors on my ILI9341 display, I have to:

  1. Set the BGR flag in MADCTL.
  2. Set the self.disp_drv.color_format = lv.COLOR_FORMAT.NATIVE_REVERSE

I'm not sure why you think this indicates bugs in the St77x_hw.

Have a look at the ESP32 ILI9341 driver:

Here too, you can see that colormode=COLOR_MODE_BGR and color_format=lv.COLOR_FORMAT.NATIVE_REVERSE, so it makes sense you would need the same configuration.

With the current code as-is, this is an impossible configuration. Also, I'm not even sure if the current implementation logically makes sense, as it's "double applying" the color swap.

Could you explain why it's "impossible configuration"?

At least on, it doesn't "double apply" the color swap. It configures everything and starts DMA:

(On ILI9488 it can be improved as it does some conversion, but not on ILI9341.)

BrianPugh commented 1 year ago

Ok thanks for your response!

Could you explain why it's "impossible configuration"?

With the St77xx code, it isn't a valid configuration based on how self.bgr is interpreted. But what you said makes sense; I just wasn't confident enough to initially override it. I'll open up a PR soon!