lvgl / lv_binding_micropython

LVGL binding for MicroPython
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AttributeError: 'textarea' object has no attribute 'add_event' #262

Closed jd3096-mpy closed 1 year ago

jd3096-mpy commented 1 year ago

In docs ,there are many examples that can't run about textarea `##### startup script #####

!/opt/bin/lv_micropython -i

import lvgl as lv import display_driver

main script

def ta_event_cb(e): code = e.get_code() ta = e.get_target_obj() if code == lv.EVENT.CLICKED or code == lv.EVENT.FOCUSED:

Focus on the clicked text area

    if kb != None:

elif code == lv.EVENT.READY:
    print("Ready, current text: " + ta.get_text())

Create the password box

pwd_ta = lv.textarea(lv.scr_act()) pwd_ta.set_text("") pwd_ta.set_password_mode(True) pwd_ta.set_one_line(True) pwd_ta.set_width(lv.pct(45)) pwd_ta.set_pos(5, 20) pwd_ta.add_event(ta_event_cb, lv.EVENT.ALL, None)

Create a label and position it above the text box

pwd_label = lv.label(lv.scr_act()) pwd_label.set_text("Password:") pwd_label.align_to(pwd_ta, lv.ALIGN.OUT_TOP_LEFT, 0, 0)

Create the one-line mode text area

text_ta = lv.textarea(lv.scr_act()) text_ta.set_width(lv.pct(45)) text_ta.set_one_line(True) text_ta.add_event(ta_event_cb, lv.EVENT.ALL, None) text_ta.set_password_mode(False)

text_ta.align(lv.ALIGN.TOP_RIGHT, -5, 20)

Create a label and position it above the text box

oneline_label = lv.label(lv.scr_act()) oneline_label.set_text("Text:") oneline_label.align_to(text_ta, lv.ALIGN.OUT_TOP_LEFT, 0, 0)

Create a keyboard

kb = lv.keyboard(lv.scr_act()) kb.set_size(lv.pct(100), lv.pct(50))

kb.set_textarea(pwd_ta) # Focus it on one of the text areas to start

` like so ,the same mistake

AttributeError: 'textarea' object has no attribute 'add_event'

jd3096-mpy commented 1 year ago

It shoud be add_event_cb

amirgon commented 1 year ago

Hi @jd3096-mpy,

Regarding the issue you raised about add_event_cb, I'd like to clarify that LVGL's master branch is the development branch and undergoes frequent changes. The lv_micropython master branch follows the LVGL master branch. If you're looking for a stable version, please use the release/v8 branch. However, if you're interested in the latest and greatest version and can tolerate frequent API changes, you can use the master branch. We always strive to keep the master branch functional and healthy, but please note that it's not always aligned with LVGL master. That's why we use git-submodules. By updating git submodules recursively in lv_micropython, you can get the LVGL version that lv_micropython is aligned to, which is a recent version but not always the master branch.

In this case, the issue you're seeing is related to LVGL made changes to the API, one of which was renaming add_event_cb to add_event. When lv_micropython was aligned to an older LVGL version, this created a discrepancy between LVGL's master branch and documentation, and lv_micropython. Indeed, in that version of lv_micropython, you still need to use add_event_cb. However, I recently merged these changes to lv_micropython's master branch. Therefore, the examples you provided that use add_event should now work with the latest version of lv_micropython.

Also, please be aware that the online simulator has not yet been updated to reflect these changes. If you want to see the updated behavior, you can test it locally using any port other than the js port.

I hope this explanation helps to clear things up. If you have any further questions or concerns, please let me know.

jd3096-mpy commented 1 year ago

Now I understand it,thank you.