lvgl / lv_binding_micropython

LVGL binding for MicroPython
MIT License
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javascript build fails #268

Closed kdschlosser closed 1 year ago

kdschlosser commented 1 year ago

This is the error I am getting

make: *** No rule to make target 'lib/lv_bindings/driver/SDL/sdl_common.c', needed by 'build/genhdr/qstr.i.last'.  Stop.

I am following the instructions outlined here

embeddedt commented 1 year ago

Known issue, I have not had time to update the JS port to work with v9 yet. (This error is fixed locally but GUIs can't be interacted with for another reason.)

kdschlosser commented 1 year ago

how is there the working simulator running version 9 on the LVGL website?

embeddedt commented 1 year ago

That version is 1.5 months old and doesn't include the refactors that broke the port. It's normally supposed to update automatically but stops when there is an issue like this.

kdschlosser commented 1 year ago

Ahh OK...

There needs to be a c compiler argument added to the Makefile


That gets things going until lv_mpy.c compiles. then you will be hit with errors for memory_order and undefined variables. I am thinking this is in SDL2 but not sure. I used a version of gen_mpy that I adapted so names of objects to be ignored could be passed to the script so it wouldn't generate the code for those items. So that solved that issue. Now I am faced with linking errors which I have a feeling is the cause of your interaction problems.

build/lvgl/lv_mpy.c:8323:13: warning: function 'lv_disp_t_flush_cb_callback' has internal linkage but is not defined [-Wundefined-internal]
STATIC void lv_disp_t_flush_cb_callback(struct _lv_disp_t *disp_drv, const lv_area_t *area, lv_color_t *color_p);
build/lvgl/lv_mpy.c:10152:111: note: used here
            case MP_QSTR_flush_cb: dest[0] = mp_lv_funcptr(&mp_funcptr_flush_cb_mpobj, (void*)data->flush_cb, lv_disp_t_flush_cb_callback, MP_QSTR_lv_disp_t_flush_cb, data->user_data); break; // converting from callback void (*)(lv_disp_t *disp_drv, lv_area_t *area, lv_color_t *color_p);
build/lvgl/lv_mpy.c:9776:13: warning: function 'lv_disp_t_draw_ctx_init_callback' has internal linkage but is not defined [-Wundefined-internal]
STATIC void lv_disp_t_draw_ctx_init_callback(struct _lv_disp_t *disp, lv_draw_ctx_t *draw_ctx);
build/lvgl/lv_mpy.c:10166:126: note: used here
            case MP_QSTR_draw_ctx_init: dest[0] = mp_lv_funcptr(&mp_funcptr_draw_ctx_init_mpobj, (void*)data->draw_ctx_init, lv_disp_t_draw_ctx_init_callback, MP_QSTR_lv_disp_t_draw_ctx_init, data->user_data); break; // converting from callback void (*)(lv_disp_t *disp, lv_draw_ctx_t *draw_ctx);
build/lvgl/lv_mpy.c:9777:13: warning: function 'lv_disp_t_draw_ctx_deinit_callback' has internal linkage but is not defined [-Wundefined-internal]
STATIC void lv_disp_t_draw_ctx_deinit_callback(struct _lv_disp_t *disp, lv_draw_ctx_t *draw_ctx);
build/lvgl/lv_mpy.c:10167:130: note: used here
            case MP_QSTR_draw_ctx_deinit: dest[0] = mp_lv_funcptr(&mp_funcptr_draw_ctx_init_mpobj, (void*)data->draw_ctx_deinit, lv_disp_t_draw_ctx_deinit_callback, MP_QSTR_lv_disp_t_draw_ctx_deinit, data->user_data); break; // converting from callback void (*)(lv_disp_t *disp, lv_draw_ctx_t *draw_ctx);
build/lvgl/lv_mpy.c:10108:13: warning: function 'lv_disp_t_wait_cb_callback' has internal linkage but is not defined [-Wundefined-internal]
STATIC void lv_disp_t_wait_cb_callback(struct _lv_disp_t *disp_drv);
build/lvgl/lv_mpy.c:10188:108: note: used here
            case MP_QSTR_wait_cb: dest[0] = mp_lv_funcptr(&mp_funcptr_wait_cb_mpobj, (void*)data->wait_cb, lv_disp_t_wait_cb_callback, MP_QSTR_lv_disp_t_wait_cb, data->user_data); break; // converting from callback void (*)(lv_disp_t *disp_drv);
4 warnings generated.
LINK build/firmware.js
wasm-ld: error: build/build/lvgl/lv_mpy.o: undefined symbol: lv_disp_t_flush_cb_callback
wasm-ld: error: build/build/lvgl/lv_mpy.o: undefined symbol: lv_disp_t_draw_ctx_init_callback
wasm-ld: error: build/build/lvgl/lv_mpy.o: undefined symbol: lv_disp_t_draw_ctx_deinit_callback
wasm-ld: error: build/build/lvgl/lv_mpy.o: undefined symbol: lv_disp_t_wait_cb_callback
wasm-ld: error: build/build/lvgl/lv_mpy.o: undefined symbol: lv_disp_t_flush_cb_callback
wasm-ld: error: build/build/lvgl/lv_mpy.o: undefined symbol: lv_disp_t_draw_ctx_init_callback
wasm-ld: error: build/build/lvgl/lv_mpy.o: undefined symbol: lv_disp_t_draw_ctx_deinit_callback
wasm-ld: error: build/build/lvgl/lv_mpy.o: undefined symbol: lv_disp_t_wait_cb_callback
embeddedt commented 1 year ago

I have fixed all of the compilation and linking errors locally; I just haven't pushed the changes as otherwise GitHub will compile and release a broken build to the website. The issue is that the ticking logic got rewritten for the SDL driver and so lv_task_handler isn't being called regularly anymore like it should. I know what needs changing, just haven't had a chance to do it yet.

kdschlosser commented 1 year ago

Oh ok...

embeddedt commented 1 year ago

Hoping to fix it today as I have some free time now. :slightly_smiling_face:

kdschlosser commented 1 year ago

That would be cool. I have been screwing around with this thing for the last couple of weeks trying to get it to compile. I thought I was almost at the end but I guess not. I would have ended up running into the issue with the task handler.

kdschlosser commented 1 year ago

I want to be able to run the simulator with more memory. I keep on hitting the 1mb memory cap with the simulator on the website.

kdschlosser commented 1 year ago

I have tried using the unix port and that's a nogo with WSL. It keeps on bombing on me with a segmentation fault error.

kdschlosser commented 1 year ago

I was toying around with the idea of writing in the ability to connect the JS binding with a circuit simulator. something like this

The circuit simulator would have some MCUs built into it. This would give a full tilt simulation where inputs and outputs could be simulated.

embeddedt commented 1 year ago

As of the latest commits the lvgl_javascript_v9 branch should build and run properly again. :tada:

kdschlosser commented 1 year ago


amirgon commented 1 year ago

As of the latest commits the lvgl_javascript_v9 branch should build and run properly again. 🎉

Cool! 👍