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Please use the forum to ask questions.
Describe the issue
Hi there!
I used this project to show some mensage after every 4 seconds but after a while (30 min to 2 hours) the display freeze with the last message and it not update anymore , i thought it was the SPI Speed so i slow down first from 40 MHz to 20Mhz with same results and after from 20MHz to 10MHz, same results.
Code to reproduce the issue
is the same of this projest but i just add my style and added in the loop(another task will change the content of the labels):
while (1) {
/ Delay 1 tick (assumes FreeRTOS tick is 10ms /
/* Try to take the semaphore, call lvgl related function on success */
// if (pdTRUE == xSemaphoreTake(xGuiSemaphore, portMAX_DELAY)) {
lv_label_set_text(label, linha1);
lv_label_set_text(label2, linha2);
lv_label_set_text(label3, linha3);
lv_label_set_text(label4, linha4);
// xSemaphoreGive(xGuiSemaphore);
// }
Expected Results
do not freeze after a while
Actual Results
ESP32 Chip version
ESP-IDF version
Development kit used
esp32 devkit
Development machine OS
Compilation warnings/errors (if available)
If possible, copy the compilation log into a file and attach it here
another question if i couldn't fix this issue: how could I "reset or refresh" the display after some time, to force the display to unfreeze.
Guys I fixed the freezing, it's just a conflicting task when one is modifying the variable another is updating the display
Solution: use the xSemaphoreTake/Give on tasks
We use GitHub issues for development related discussions. Please use the forum to ask questions.
Describe the issue Hi there! I used this project to show some mensage after every 4 seconds but after a while (30 min to 2 hours) the display freeze with the last message and it not update anymore , i thought it was the SPI Speed so i slow down first from 40 MHz to 20Mhz with same results and after from 20MHz to 10MHz, same results. Code to reproduce the issue is the same of this projest but i just add my style and added in the loop(another task will change the content of the labels):
while (1) { / Delay 1 tick (assumes FreeRTOS tick is 10ms / vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(10));
Expected Results do not freeze after a while Actual Results
ESP32 Chip version ESP32-WROOM-32U ESP-IDF version 4.3 Development kit used esp32 devkit Development machine OS windows Compilation warnings/errors (if available)
If possible, copy the compilation log into a file and attach it here
another question if i couldn't fix this issue: how could I "reset or refresh" the display after some time, to force the display to unfreeze.
Very thanks!!