lvgl / lv_utils

Convert images or system fonts to C arrays. Written for LVGL embedded GUI library
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Font generator generates lv_font_t initialisation in wrong order #22

Closed harrymander closed 5 years ago

harrymander commented 5 years ago

The font generator generates the initialisation for the lv_font_t object in the wrong order, causing a compiler error.

Generated order:

lv_font_t arial_bold_15 = 
    .unicode_first = 32,    /*First Unicode letter in this font*/
    .unicode_last = 126,    /*Last Unicode letter in this font*/
    .h_px = 15,             /*Font height in pixels*/
    .glyph_bitmap = arial_bold_15_glyph_bitmap, /*Bitmap of glyphs*/
    .glyph_dsc = arial_bold_15_glyph_dsc,       /*Description of glyphs*/
    .glyph_cnt = 95,            /*Number of glyphs in the font*/
    .unicode_list = NULL,   /*Every character in the font from 'unicode_first' to 'unicode_last'*/
    .get_bitmap = lv_font_get_bitmap_continuous,    /*Function pointer to get glyph's bitmap*/
    .get_width = lv_font_get_width_continuous,  /*Function pointer to get glyph's width*/
#if USE_ARIAL_BOLD_15 == 1
    .bpp = 1,               /*Bit per pixel*/
 #elif USE_ARIAL_BOLD_15 == 2
    .bpp = 2,               /*Bit per pixel*/
 #elif USE_ARIAL_BOLD_15 == 4
    .bpp = 4,               /*Bit per pixel*/
 #elif USE_ARIAL_BOLD_15 == 8
    .bpp = 8,               /*Bit per pixel*/
    .monospace = 0,             /*Fix width (0: if not used)*/
    .next_page = NULL,      /*Pointer to a font extension*/

Correct order from lv_font.h:

typedef struct _lv_font_struct
    uint32_t unicode_first;
    uint32_t unicode_last;
    const uint8_t * glyph_bitmap;
    const lv_font_glyph_dsc_t * glyph_dsc;
    const uint32_t * unicode_list;
    const uint8_t * (*get_bitmap)(const struct _lv_font_struct *,uint32_t);     /*Get a glyph's  bitmap from a font*/
    int16_t (*get_width)(const struct _lv_font_struct *,uint32_t);        /*Get a glyph's with with a given font*/
    struct _lv_font_struct * next_page;    /*Pointer to a font extension*/
    uint32_t h_px       :8;
    uint32_t bpp        :4;                /*Bit per pixel: 1, 2 or 4*/
    uint32_t monospace  :8;                /*Fix width (0: normal width)*/
    uint16_t glyph_cnt;                    /*Number of glyphs (letters) in the font*/
} lv_font_t;
embeddedt commented 5 years ago

@HarryManderTait If you're using C99 this should work fine. LittlevGL requires a C99 compiler. Exactly what error does it give you?


In ISO C99 you can give the elements in any order, specifying the array indices or structure field names they apply to.

harrymander commented 5 years ago

It looks like the problem was that I had written some of the code in C++ but was using the C++ compiler to compile all the files including the C files. Compiled the C files with a C compiler and the issue was fixed. Thanks for your help.