lvgl / lvgl_esp32_drivers

Drivers for ESP32 to be used with LVGL
MIT License
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Upgrade support for ESP32-S3 series #190

Open Huckies opened 2 years ago

Huckies commented 2 years ago

A esp32s3 is more like a esp32c3 which only supports SPI_DMA_CH_AUTO, so it might be better to upgrade lvgl_esp32_drivers/lvgl_helpers.c line 178

Also I met an assert error compiling (the target chip is esp32s3) and solved it by adding "-DSPI_HOST_MAX=3"to line 91 of lvgl_esp32_drivers/CMakeLists.txt```

tigerya214 commented 2 years ago

Hi, you answer hit me!!! do you know why it show "'TFT_SPI_HOST' undeclared (first use in this function); did you mean 'SPI3_HOST'?" when I am compiling the lvgl?

Huckies commented 2 years ago

Maybe you want to config it before compiling, or add a declaration on your own header file.

tigerya214 commented 2 years ago

就是编译后出现这个问题,是不是LVGL的函数因为版本原因变了? (看了下好像是国人,哈哈!)