lvgl / lvgl_esp32_drivers

Drivers for ESP32 to be used with LVGL
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Random flickering and artefacts using st7789 display on esp32s3 8080 interface #231

Open MorgothCreator opened 7 months ago

MorgothCreator commented 7 months ago

Is an issue similar with the one described here

But happens for a single frame from time to time at random intervals, from lines to entire display being messed up for a single frame, and extremely rare the display remain entirely messed up till a change is on the screen.

To initialise everything I use an edited version of this example on the same board together with Painless Mesh.

I tested all SDK versions from 2.0.3 to the last 2.0.14 of etp32s3, in more recent one the artefacts appear little more often.

I tested lv_timer_handler(); with delays from 0mS that will display artefacts every time an animation occurs till 50mS, the bigger is the delay the rarest artefacts appear on the screen, but I ca not go higher than that.

Update 1:

Seems that lvgl does not like to be interrupted when is doing something, when I have another thread that eat some processing power lvgl begin to display artefacts, I needed to put everything in the general loop, and still have some artefacts but more rare, like one frame with artefacts at 1-3 minutes.

Update 2: Seems that the combination between lvgl and PainlessMesh can be a case study, if I comment out the PainlessMesh lib, lbgl lib is working with no issue, as soon as I use the PainlessMesh lib the display begin to show artefacts or is showing the screen shifted right with several lines, the left side appear black, one more interesting facts is that after an artefact is shown sometime the display freezes for up to half a second, seen that creating an animation that continuously rotate.