lvicainne / puppet-opendkim

Puppet module for opendkim
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Adds Parameters to support 2048 bit keys and Specifying hash_algorithms #31

Closed razorbladex401 closed 1 year ago

razorbladex401 commented 1 year ago

Adds parameters for supporting multi-line bit keys. For example, a 2048 bit DKIM key is structurally different than the default 1024. Changes add a parameter called "publickeyextended" where you specify the second line. Also adds parameter called "hash_algrothems" which allows you to specify what hash type the DKIM key uses. For example, when creating a key that is using sha256, the DKIM record will contain the hash parameter (ie h=sha256). This will help when migrating from an older hash, ie SHA1 to the more standard SHA256. Both parameters are optional.