lvjr / tabularray

Typeset tabulars and arrays with LaTeX3
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ltugboat class breaks tabularray alignment #348

Open CarLaTeX opened 1 year ago

CarLaTeX commented 1 year ago

This MWE works:


\begin{tblr}{colspec={Q[r,t]Q[c,m]Q[l,b]}, hlines}
{The baseline is\\ at the top\\ (right aligned)} & 
{The baseline is\\ in the middle\\ (centered)} & 
{The baseline is\\ at the bottom\\ (left aligned)}\\ 


If I change article into ltugboat, the first horizontal alignment is wrong:


\begin{tblr}{colspec={Q[r,t]Q[c,m]Q[l,b]}, hlines}
{The baseline is\\ at the top\\ (right aligned)} & 
{The baseline is\\ in the middle\\ (centered)} & 
{The baseline is\\ at the bottom\\ (left aligned)}\\ 


Asked also on TopAnswers TeX:

samcarter commented 1 year ago

The problem seems to be that ltugboat.cls redefines \raggedright etc.

If one uses the original definitions from source2e, the alignment seems to work:




\begin{tblr}{colspec={Q[r,t]Q[c,m]Q[l,b]}, hlines}
{The baseline is\\ at the top\\ (right aligned)} & 
{The baseline is\\ in the middle\\ (centered)} & 
{The baseline is\\ at the bottom\\ (left aligned)}\\ 
Screenshot 2023-01-06 at 12 58 27
CarLaTeX commented 1 year ago

So it's a problem with the ltugboat class? Should I report to its maintainers?

samcarter commented 1 year ago

So it's a problem with the ltugboat class? Should I report to its maintainers?

Not sure, maybe tabularray just can't trust \raggedleft etc. to be defined the way it thinks they are?

FrankMittelbach commented 1 year ago

The two definitions of \raggedright in the format and in the TUB class are different but that's acceptable for a class to make changes here. All that \raggedright specifies is that a certain area of text should be set in ragged style but what that precisely means, eg with or without indentation etc is up to the class. So I would say it is an issue with tabuarray making the assumption that \raggedright is exactly as in the format.

lvjr commented 1 year ago

@FrankMittelbach It is easy to fix this in tabularray. But I am confused about when a package should or should not follow the changes (by a class, another package or a user) to public macros provided by LaTeX format.

For \raggedleft and its friends, we can see a traditional tabular is also affected by the changes in tugboat class, because we use >{\raggedleft\arraybackslash} to make right alignment for multiline cells.

As another example, if a package uses \emph, but other packages may modify the definition of it, should the package copy the original definition of \emph?

To me it is a little strange that a package should copy many definitions (which may contain lots of @ in them) of public macros provided by LaTeX format.

muzimuzhi commented 1 year ago

For \raggedleft and its friends, we can see a traditional tabular is also affected by the changes in tugboat class, because we use >{\raggedleft\arraybackslash} to make right alignment for multiline cells.

I can't get this. It seems \makecell used in a traditional tabular env behaves the same with latex2e or ltugboat \raggedleft. Did I miss sth?

\usepackage{fvextra} % to use inline verb in macro argument

    \EscVerb{article.cls \\raggedleft }
    \EscVerb{ltugboat.cls \\raggedleft}
    auto-wrapping       & aaa aaa aaa b                  \\ \hline
    \Verb|\makecell|    & \makecell{aaa aaa aaa\\ b}     \\ \hline
    \Verb|\makecell[r]| & \makecell[r]{aaa aaa  aaa\\ b} \\ \hline


% emulate \raggedleft in ltugboat.cls
% c.f.
\newdimen\raggedskip    \raggedskip=\z@
\newdimen\raggedstretch \raggedstretch=5em    % ems of font set now (10pt)
\def\raggedspaces{\spaceskip=.3333em \relax \xspaceskip=.5em \relax }

  \leftskip=\raggedskip\@plus\raggedstretch \raggedspaces



lvjr commented 1 year ago

I can't get this. It seems \makecell used in a traditional tabular env behaves the same with latex2e or ltugboat \raggedleft. Did I miss sth?

There is no parbox in a \makecell because it is just a subtable. We need to compare different results of parboxes and p columns in tabular under different \raggedleft definitions.

CarLaTeX commented 1 year ago

The two definitions of \raggedright in the format and in the TUB class are different but that's acceptable for a class to make changes here. All that \raggedright specifies is that a certain area of text should be set in ragged style but what that precisely means, eg with or without indentation etc is up to the class. So I would say it is an issue with tabuarray making the assumption that \raggedright is exactly as in the format.

See what Ulrike wrote:

the main problem seems to be that the ltugboat definition doesn’t redefine the end of line command, if I add


it works (it is a mystery why only raggedleft is affected).

lvjr commented 1 year ago

See what Ulrike wrote:

the main problem seems to be that the ltugboat definition doesn’t redefine the end of line command, if I add


it works (it is a mystery why only raggedleft is affected).

Therefore it is mainly a bug of ltugboat class. Maybe @kberry would like to have a look at this issue.

CarLaTeX commented 1 year ago

Indeed I replied to him, hoping he'll see the message

kberry commented 1 year ago

I committed the fix (thanks much for finding it, would have taken me ages) and will send Carla the new ltugboat.cls. (I hope to make a release soon, but not today.) Thanks to all.

CarLaTeX commented 1 year ago

It works, thanks!