lvjr / tabularray

Typeset tabulars and arrays with LaTeX3
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@ specifiers in colspec and centering alignment #393

Closed latexstudio closed 1 year ago

latexstudio commented 1 year ago



\noindent\begin{tblr}{vlines, hlines,colspec={@{}cQ[c,3cm]@{}},%
     %column{1,2}={font=\zihao{4}},% 小2号、黑体


效果来看,表格里的内容明显偏右。 如果该用 tabularx 等 @{} 不影响单元格的居中显示。

lvjr commented 1 year ago

With colspec={@{}cQ[c,3cm]@{}}, you set leftsep=0pt for the first column and set rightsep=0pt for the second column. But by default rightsep=6pt for the first column and leftsep=6pt for the second column. Therefore the cells look not centered.

PS: please always use English in reporting potential bugs of this package.



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  \mybox\mybox\mybox\mybox & \mybox\mybox\mybox\mybox\mybox \\


  \mybox\mybox             & \mybox\mybox\mybox\mybox\mybox\mybox\mybox \\
  \mybox\mybox\mybox\mybox & \mybox\mybox\mybox\mybox\mybox \\


  \mybox\mybox             & \mybox\mybox\mybox\mybox\mybox\mybox\mybox \\
  \mybox\mybox\mybox\mybox & \mybox\mybox\mybox\mybox\mybox \\

