lvjr / tabularray

Typeset tabulars and arrays with LaTeX3
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Multiple enumerates from enumitem with series/resume within tblr mess up counters #415

Open luxzeitlos opened 12 months ago

luxzeitlos commented 12 months ago

A minimal example:

        \item x
        stretch=-1, rows={ht=\baselineskip},
        A &
            \item one
            \item two
            \item three
        \end{enumerate} \\
        B &
            \item four
            \item five
            \item six
            \item seven
        \end{enumerate} \\
        C &
            \item eight
        \end{enumerate} \\

results in a messed up numbering: image

And \UseTblrLibrary{counter} does not fix the problem.