lvjr / tabularray

Typeset tabulars and arrays with LaTeX3
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The width of cells is not according to the X column ratio when using colsep. #427

Open DmasterD opened 11 months ago

DmasterD commented 11 months ago

I'm wanting to perfectly align cells of different tables with X columns, but that seems to be only possible when colsep is 0, see example below. Is this a real issue or am I doing something wrong? Most people won't notice with small colseps, but OCD people will notice.

\usepackage{tabularray, color, xparse, parskip}

\NewDocumentEnvironment{tableNoColsep}{m +b}{
        colspec = {#1},
        colsep = 0pt,
        vlines = {black}}
\NewDocumentEnvironment{tableColsep}{m +b}{
        colspec = {#1},
        colsep = 1cm,
        vlines = {black}}

\section*{Cell horizontal spacing issues}
\subsection*{Good spacing}
Tables with three cells of equal spacing:

    1 & 2 & 3
    1 & 2 & 3

Tables with one cell of a third, and another of two thirds of the width:

    1 & 2+3
    1+2 & 3

\subsection*{Bad spacing}
The following tables should be divided one cell of a third, and another of two thirds of the width:

    1 & 2+3
    1+2 & 3

\subsection*{Expected behavior}
    \hspace{1cm}1\hspace{1cm} & \hspace{1cm}2+3\hspace{1cm}
    \hspace{1cm}1+2\hspace{1cm} & \hspace{1cm}3\hspace{1cm}



muzimuzhi commented 11 months ago

Is this a real issue or am I doing something wrong?

I'm afraid that's a "real issue". leftsep, rightsep (colsep set them both) and vertical rule width of an X column are extracted from the total target width of all X columns, after that the width of X[1] is calculated by dividing the target width by sum of coefficients.

According to the doc for tabu package, sec. 1.2 "X column widths computation", tabu does the calculation in the same order.