lvjr / tabularray

Typeset tabulars and arrays with LaTeX3
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StackExchange suggestion for 'remove column' doesn't work in tblr #451

Closed jonhall closed 10 months ago

jonhall commented 10 months ago suggests the use of the following to remove a column from a table (rewritten to tblr syntax):


This works for ordinary entries, but (apparently) not for entries needing vbox:


\UseTblrLibrary{varwidth}%%For itemize in entries


%%Example of 'H' column from



&\begin{itemize}%%comment this Cell out to make MWE work
\item one
\item two
jonhall commented 10 months ago

Temporary workaround to hide a column is


jonhall commented 10 months ago

The following appears to work (and I should have guessed, apologies)

muzimuzhi commented 10 months ago

I posted a revised version as a new answer to the TeX-SX question you mentioned.

Please post questions as discussions, and only bug reports and feature requests as issues in the future.

Update: For a follow-up of existing TeX-SX question, asking a new question on the same site might naturally be the first choice. But then, the problem reduces to how to attract potential users/community members to post an answer.