lvpengyuan / masktextspotter.caffe2

The code of "Mask TextSpotter: An End-to-End Trainable Neural Network for Spotting Text with Arbitrary Shapes"
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question aboout test result #32

Open zhengjiawen opened 5 years ago

zhengjiawen commented 5 years ago

您好,我想请问下,我现在得到的测试结果是这样的,“819,283,871,299,819,283,870,283,870,298,819,298,yourselli,0.9986137,0.6931232114632925,/data/home/zjw/pythonFile/masktextspotter.caffe2/data/icdar2015_test/model_iter79999.pkl_results/res_img_2_0.mat” 请问前面12个数字是指什么呢,该怎么表示bounding box呢? mask path前面的两个数又是指的什么呢? 谢谢。

archanray commented 5 years ago

The first 12 numbers are the vertices of a polygon (in icdar order)