lvwj19 / PPR-Net-plus

PPR-Net++: Accurate 6D Pose Estimation in Stacked Scenarios
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Settings about camera intrinsic parameters #9

Closed xumingkun9806 closed 2 years ago

xumingkun9806 commented 2 years ago

The data set generated in the virtual environment, is it better to set the camera internal parameters to coincide with your real camera?
For example, the cu and cv parameters of the real camera are not half the resolution, so I'm in a virtual data set the same parameters as the real camera.But it didn't work out well, what do you think? Look forward to your reply

lvwj19 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your attention. It is better to set the camera internal parameters to coincide with your real camera. I suggest that you observe the characteristics of the real data, and then make the simulated data more realistic, such as adding noise, normalizing the data range, or adding some holes at the edges, mainly to see if the real data is too different from the simulated data.

xumingkun9806 commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot,thanks for your advice.My problem is my real camera internal parameters is fx=1740.1576313571834,fy=1740.1718443908405,cx=636.8015498880756,cy=487.72275875956717 so I set the internal parameters of virtual camera the same as fx=1740.1576313571834,fy=1740.1718443908405,cx=636.8015498880756,cy=487.72275875956717, but When I'm testing in a simulated scenario,it didn't work out well. Beacause I set too precise? And you say “I suggest that you observe the characteristics of the real data” ,What does it mean? Thank you!

lvwj19 commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I misunderstood what you meant, and the suggestion is for the trained model which is good for simulated data but bad in real data.

I don't think that the settings are too precise. Our camera parameters are fx=2730,fy=2730,cx=960,cy=600. Maybe there is something wrong with your camera model? You can check if your point cloud data and pose labels are consistent.

xumingkun9806 commented 2 years ago

Thank you!But I want to know why you don‘t set the virtual camera parameters as your real calibration camrea( have distortion).

lvwj19 commented 2 years ago

In our experiments, the settings of the virtual camera and the real camera are the same.

xumingkun9806 commented 2 years ago

so your real camrea settings is fx=2730,fy=2730,cx=960,cy=600?

lvwj19 commented 2 years ago

Yes, it is the setting of Mech-Eye camera.

xumingkun9806 commented 2 years ago

I use this camrea now,through mech-viz calibration.I get fx=2734.497171257693,fy=2734.2139842813203,cx=966.7210274621965,cy=626.0787916680408,I need to set the virtual settings is this or fx=2730,fy=2730,cx=96 0,cy=600?And Mech camrea use structured light,and I get 屏幕截图 2022-04-26 115640 so you think the stripe in surface will influence the net preformence

lvwj19 commented 2 years ago

The parameter settings that we set, are fx=2730,fy=2730,cx=960,cy=600, but you can set it more accurately, like fx=2734.497171257693,fy=2734.2139842813203,cx=966.7210274621965,cy=626.0787916680408.

I don't think that the stripes in surface influence the network preformence.

xumingkun9806 commented 2 years ago

ok,thans a lot.