lw-lin / CoolplaySpark

酷玩 Spark: Spark 源代码解析、Spark 类库等
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[SS]《2.1 Structured Streaming 之 Source 解析》讨论区 #31

Open lw-lin opened 7 years ago

lw-lin commented 7 years ago


public static final thisIsJavaCode;
val thisIsScalaCode


chenyyyang commented 3 years ago

KafkaSourceProvider extends DataSourceRegister with StreamSourceProvider with StreamSinkProvider with RelationProvider with CreatableRelationProvider with SimpleTableProvider 这其中的RelationProvider,CreatableRelationProvider,SimpleTableProvider几个接口的用处一直没搞懂。 大佬有没有写过这方面的源码解析呀?求学习