lwa-project / orville_wideband_imager

The Orville Wideband Imager
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Fix FITS headers for improved astrometry #24

Open dentalfloss1 opened 4 months ago

dentalfloss1 commented 4 months ago

The wcs objects that we have been using, in particular in the FITS header, is almost correct, but generates positions that are off by typically about a pixel. Logan Cordonnier has a working version generated from fitting positions. It would be nice to have a rigorous theoretical derivation of the wcs object, but in the interest of time it may be better just to incorporate what he has written.

@jaycedowell let me know if you have an opinion on this matter.

jaycedowell commented 4 months ago

For now we can simply add Logan corrections if we have an appropriate mechanism to only apply them to the LWA-SV data. Ultimately, though, we should understand how to take a shifted phase center and convert that into the correct WCS parameters.

jaycedowell commented 4 months ago

@lcordonnier what all needs to change in the WCS for Sevilleta data?

lcordonnier commented 4 months ago

I've optimized 5 parameters for Sevilleta:

The best values I got for these, respectively:

Granted, my sky image was flipped for this (NESW vs standard NWSE, going clockwise) though I don't think that should affect the values.

jaycedowell commented 4 months ago

orville_imager.py uses:

self.phase_center_ha = 1.0*ephem.hours("-0:07:59.82")
self.phase_center_dec = 1.0*ephem.degrees("33:21:27.5")

and the station is taken to be at:

GEO_N   +34.348358 # N Lat [deg]
GEO_E  -106.885783 # E Lat [deg]
GEO_EL 1477.8   #  [m] above MSL - FIXME
jaycedowell commented 4 months ago

I found my old code called optimalPointing.py that's used to find the optimal phase center of a station. That HA/δ combo corresponds to moving the phase center by 1.933° at in the direction of an azimuth of 120.65° at LWA-SV.

jaycedowell commented 4 months ago

@lcordonnier I was looking at Calabretta & Greisen (2002), Section 5.1.5 again and I noticed that there looks to be a dependency of ξ and η on the center of the image (θ and φ). I think that θ and φ should be related to the azimuth/elevation of the phase center which, in turn, is related to the phase center HA and δ. When you fit did you treat all of the parameters are independent?

lcordonnier commented 4 months ago

I let it optimize all five parameters independently, yes. So it didn't explicitly account for a dependency between ξ & η and center HA & δ, though if the relationship between them is known I can go back and refit taking that into account. In actuality, the θ and φ parameters were directly used in the optimization, which were then converted to ξ and η for the WCS using Eqns. 63/64 in the linked paper.

jaycedowell commented 4 months ago

Maybe try a fit where where the only free parameters are θ, φ, and LONGPOLE. We can then find HAc, δc, ξ, and η from those.

The only thing that I don't really know where it fits in is LONGPOLE. It's got to be related to something. How sensitive are the fits to that parameter?

lcordonnier commented 4 months ago

The lonpole value has ranged from 179.15 - 179.48 across the ~10 different fits, which span between 1-4 days of data and 3-7 free parameters.

I can run the fit again with only those 3 free parameters, however I'll need to use some value for HAc and δc in order to generate the WCS; should I assume that θ = altc, φ = azc -> convert using astropy -> HAc, δc or is the relationship more complex than that?

jaycedowell commented 4 months ago

I can run the fit again with only those 3 free parameters, however I'll need to use some value for HAc and δc in order to generate the WCS; should I assume that θ = altc, φ = azc -> convert using astropy -> HAc, δc or is the relationship more complex than that?

That looks reasonable. We may also want to make sure EQUINOX/EPOCH is set correctly for the WCS. They may need to be epoch-of-date rather than J2000.

jaycedowell commented 4 months ago

Random thought: We could take a TBF capture with the correct frequency range, run it through correlateTBF.py to generate a measurement set, and then image that with wsclean/the wsclean (u,v) shifter to see what that WCS looks like.

lcordonnier commented 3 months ago

Ok, so I've tried tricking WCS into using Az/Alt coordinates in place of RA/Dec. This has a couple of benefits:

  1. EQUINOX/EPOCH shouldn't be a concern since the Az/Alt coordinates natively take into account the time of observation (I assume that WCS doesn't try to precess things if EQUINOX/EPOCH aren't explicitly given, but I'm not 100% sure about this. Since the coordinates are still technically RA/Dec in its eyes, it may be doing something to the coordinates under the hood that I'm not aware of.)
  2. I can now treat θ = altc and φ = azc directly without having to convert them to HA/Dec with astropy, again avoiding J2000 vs epoch-of-date concerns.

I've optimized the positions with just LONPOLE, azc, and altc and found the best-fit parameters to be, respectively:

209.6121637218684, 118.76647246379336, 87.5850923296785

Where the corresponding header values would be:

180.0, 90.97437629624612, 88.06662829704536

Perhaps it's just a coincidence, but converting the phase center HA/Dec value from orville_imager.py (assuming it's measured in epoch-of-date) into Az/Alt gives a coordinate of:

120.26495457, 88.0666283

which shows much better agreement with the best-fit Az coord. Again, may just be a coincidence. The offset in the best-fit LONPOLE from the expected 180 (~29.6) is similar to the offset in best-fit azc from header azc (~27.8). I'd speculate that these offsets being the same (or close to the same) has to do with using Az/Alt coords in WCS (since now the 'celestial pole' that LONPOLE is measured w.r.t. is actually the zenith). This may also just be a coincidence though.

The quality of the optimization is... okay. The pixel offset rms is 2x higher than it is for optimizing all 5 parameters independently (0.45 px vs 0.24 px), but half that (0.45 px vs 0.81 px) of just using the values directly from the header (i.e. before I started optimizing the astrometry). Here's an image showing the comparison between my best astrometry so far (5 parameter) and the best-fit using the Az/Alt method:


jaycedowell commented 3 months ago

That's an interesting result that the HA/dec coordinates do not convert to the same values for az/alt that are in orville_imager.py. How did you do that conversion?

lcordonnier commented 3 months ago

Here's the code snippet I used to do the conversion:

from astropy.coordinates import Angle
import astropy.coordinates as ac
from astropy.time import Time
import astropy.units as u

HA = Angle('-0h07m59.82s')
Dec = Angle('33d21m27.5s')

SV = ac.EarthLocation(lat=34.348358*u.deg, lon=-106.885783*u.deg, height=1477.8*u.m)
t_obs = Time(59670.583333333336, format='mjd') #time of observation
altaz_obj = ac.AltAz(location=SV, obstime=t_obs)

# assume the HA/Dec are measured in the epoch-of-date
hadec = ac.SkyCoord(ha=HA, dec=Dec, frame='hadec', obstime=t_obs, location=SV)
altaz = hadec.transform_to(altaz_obj)

Which outputs:

<SkyCoord (AltAz: obstime=59670.583333333336, location=(-1531554.7717322, -5045440.98395596, 3579249.98860634) m, pressure=0.0 hPa, temperature=0.0 deg_C, relative_humidity=0.0, obswl=1.0 micron): (az, alt) in deg
    (120.26495457, 88.0666283)>