lwfinger / rtl8723bu

Driver for RTL8723BU
283 stars 143 forks source link

Building is failing #124

Closed fhdk closed 5 years ago

fhdk commented 5 years ago

As a Manjaro user I rebuild the module on a regular basis.

After the recent change to the source I am getting a bunch of errors like this

  CC [M]  /build/linux419-rtl8723bu/src/rtl8723bu/hal/odm_RegConfig8723B.o
objdump: /build/linux419-rtl8723bu/src/rtl8723bu/hal/.tmp_HalBtc8723b2Ant.o: unable to initialize decompress status for section .debug_info
objdump: /build/linux419-rtl8723bu/src/rtl8723bu/hal/.tmp_HalBtc8723b2Ant.o: unable to initialize decompress status for section .debug_info
objdump: /build/linux419-rtl8723bu/src/rtl8723bu/hal/.tmp_HalBtc8723b2Ant.o: file format not recognized
lwfinger commented 5 years ago

You have a corrupted set of objects. The following should help:

git pull sudo make clean make sudo make install

fhdk commented 5 years ago

OK. I can understand that - but the issue comes from downloading the master.zip - extracting and building - so where does the issue come from. Does something go wrong when pulling the zip?

And when building I am creating a clean chroot environment.


Build kog using the downloaded archive


Build log using git to clone the repo and did a make clean before building


lwfinger commented 5 years ago

Why a chroot environment. While logged in as a normal user, just do "make" followed by "sudo make install". The build part should never be run as root, only the install.

I have no idea what is happening. Does it still happen when you do not use chroot? As far as I know, a normal build should not use objdump.

fhdk commented 5 years ago

I am very grateful for the sourcecode you have in this repo as it makes my life a little bit easier :).

If I clone the AUR package from https://aur.archlinux.org/rtl8723bu-git.git and build it using makepkg - I have the same errors.

I have build it using standard Arch makepkg and the errors persist and I have used Manjaro's package build tools and the errors persist.

It is build as part of an ISO for a specific laptop and the module gets rebuild on every kernel change and distributed in the Manjaro repo.

The last time I successfully built the module was on 2018-12-08. https://www.uex.dk/public/manjaro/unstable/extra/x86_64/linux419-rtl8723bu-

No matter how I try to build it fails so I suspect that the changes commited 4 days ago might be to blame.

I will try forking the project, roll back the changes and see if it compiles.

The script used these commands which used to build the source with no issues.

# do not compile with CONCURRENT_MODE

# avoid using the Makefile directly -- it doesn't understand
# any kernel but the current.
make -C /usr/lib/modules/$_kernver/build SUBDIRS="$srcdir/$_pkgname" modules

Just forked the repo, rolled back the changes from 4 days ago, doing a standard make in the folder - no Arch or Manjaro build scripts just the repo and the compiler.

It continues to throw errors at me

~/.../projects/rtl8723bu >>> make                                      ±[master]
make ARCH=x86_64 CROSS_COMPILE= -C /lib/modules/4.19.11-0-MANJARO/build M=/home/fh/Data/projects/rtl8723bu  modules
make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/modules/4.19.11-0-MANJARO/build'
  CC [M]  /home/fh/Data/projects/rtl8723bu/core/rtw_cmd.o
objdump: /home/fh/Data/projects/rtl8723bu/core/.tmp_rtw_cmd.o: unable to initialize decompress status for section .debug_info
objdump: /home/fh/Data/projects/rtl8723bu/core/.tmp_rtw_cmd.o: unable to initialize decompress status for section .debug_info
objdump: /home/fh/Data/projects/rtl8723bu/core/.tmp_rtw_cmd.o: file format not recognized
fhdk commented 5 years ago

I found that it is an issue with Arch Linux.
