lwille / node-gphoto2

A Node.js wrapper for libgphoto2
MIT License
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Capture Movie with additional parameters possible? #114

Open staxDB opened 5 years ago

staxDB commented 5 years ago

I would like to execute the command gphoto2 --capture-movie --stdout | avconv -f mjpeg -r 25 -s 352x288 -i pipe:0 -r 20 http://localhost:8090/test.ffm to create a stream for a live view with avconv (previously ffmpeg)

Unfortunately I can only take pictures with this node module. Is the integration of this command with the additional parameters

--stdout | avconv -f mjpeg -r 25 -s 352x288 -i pipe:0 -r 20 http://localhost:8090/test.ffm

complex or could it be added quickly?

lwille commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure if this is the right project for this request. Are you asking for advice regarding gphoto2?

To answer your question in the context of this project: I've made experiments with mjpeg streams but couldn't get a decent performance.

While you can use node-gphoto2 to get a stream of preview pictures, any postprocessing would be outside of the scope of this wrapper library (in your example you're also piping your image stream to avconf which is another tool).