lwindolf / liferea

Liferea (Linux Feed Reader), a news reader for GTK/GNOME
GNU General Public License v2.0
804 stars 131 forks source link

Feature request: Reverse "Headline" and read without scrolling from the top #1353

Closed geekdiop closed 2 months ago

geekdiop commented 2 months ago

Hello there,

When reversing the Headline to read the previous feeds first, I have to scroll from the first feeds to the most recent (as in the picture), which is tiresome when dealing with some websites. Could you please add an option/button that allows unread (previous) feeds to appear at the top without scrolling.


lwindolf commented 2 months ago

While Liferea will be supported for some time more we do not accept feature requests anymore.

What could help you is working with folders and the "Hide read items" preference. In a folder you can revert the order of unread items.