lwitzani / homebridgeStatusWidget

MIT License
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UI-Service not reachable! #18

Closed Ludelag closed 3 years ago

Ludelag commented 3 years ago

Good afternoon,

I have been following all instructions, created the script, but appears to me the message UI-service not reachable. See Pic attached, also appear a in Log configuration iphoneconfig.json has been loaded and is used! but I can't see anything in the widget.

How can I fix it? IMG_9C7E7F570A5A-1 IMG_7E88B59EE0C9-1

lwitzani commented 3 years ago

Okay can you show me the stuff below the log window :D? Without password

So the message might be a bit misleading here from my part. A real config is actually only created the first time the credentials are accepted and the widget shows the real GUi.

The url must have http:// in it

Can you reach the config-ui-x via browser using the url you provide in the widget?

Ludelag commented 3 years ago


Here is it:

//Check the readme at https://github.com/lwitzani/homebridgeStatusWidget for setup instructions, troubleshoots and also for updates of course! // // For power users: // I added a configuration mechanism so you don't need to reconfigure it every time you update the script! // Please check the readme for instructions on how to use the persist mechanism for the configuration let configurationFileName = 'Config.json'// change this to an own name e.g. 'configBlack.json' . This name can then be given as a widget parameter in the form 'USE_CONFIG:Config.json' so you don't loose your preferred configuration across script updates (but you will loose it if i have to change the configuration format) const usePersistedConfiguration = true; // false would mean to use the visible configuration below; true means the state saved in iCloud (or locally) will be used const overwritePersistedConfig = false; // if you like your configuration, run the script ONCE with this param to true, then it is saved and can be used via 'CONFIG.json' in widget params //

const CONFIGURATION_JSON_VERSION = 2; // never change this! If i need to change the structure of configuration class, i will increase this counter. Your created config files sadly won't be compatible afterwards. // CONFIGURATION ////////////////////// class Configuration { // you must at least configure the next 3 lines to make this script work or use credentials in parameter when setting up the widget (see the readme on github) // if you don't use credentials, just enter the URL and it should work // as soon as credentials + URL are correct, a configuration is saved and then used. to make changes after that set overwritePersistedConfig to true hbServiceMachineBaseUrl = '192.1.x.xx:8581'; // location of your system running the hb-service, e.g. userName = 'xxxxx'; // username of administrator of the hb-service password = 'xxxxxxxxxx'; // password of administrator of the hb-service notificationEnabled = true; // set to false to disable all notifications

notificationIntervalInDays = 1; // minimum amount of days between the notification about the same topic; 0 means notification everytime the script is run (SPAM). 1 means you get 1 message per status category per day (maximum of 4 messages per day since there are 4 categories). Can also be something like 0.5 which means in a day you can get up to 8 messages
disableStateBackToNormalNotifications = true; // set to false, if you want to be notified e.g. when Homebridge is running again after it stopped
fileManagerMode = 'ICLOUD'; // default is ICLOUD. If you don't use iCloud Drive use option LOCAL
temperatureUnitConfig = 'CELSIUS'; // options are CELSIUS or FAHRENHEIT
requestTimeoutInterval = 10; // in seconds; If requests take longer, the script is stopped. Increase it if it doesn't work or you
pluginsOrSwUpdatesToIgnore = []; // a string array; enter the exact npm-plugin-names e.g. 'homebridge-fritz' or additionally 'HOMEBRIDGE_UTD' or 'NODEJS_UTD' if you do not want to have them checked for their latest versions
adaptToLightOrDarkMode = true; // if one of the purple or black options is chosen, the widget will adapt to dark/light mode if true
bgColorMode = 'PURPLE_LIGHT'; // default is PURPLE_LIGHT. Other options: PURPLE_DARK, BLACK_LIGHT, BLACK_DARK, CUSTOM (custom colors will be used, see below)
customBackgroundColor1_light = '#3e00fa'; // if bgColorMode CUSTOM is used a LinearGradient is created from customBackgroundColor1_light and customBackgroundColor2_light
customBackgroundColor2_light = '#7a04d4'; // you can use your own colors here; they are saved in the configuration
customBackgroundColor1_dark = '#3e00fa'; // if bgColorMode CUSTOM together with adaptToLightOrDarkMode = true is used, the light and dark custom values are used depending on the active mode
customBackgroundColor2_dark = '#7a04d4';
chartColor_light = '#FFFFFF'; // _light is the default color if adaptToLightOrDarkMode is false
chartColor_dark = '#FFFFFF';
fontColor_light = '#FFFFFF'; // _light the default color if adaptToLightOrDarkMode is false
fontColor_dark = '#FFFFFF';
failIcon = 'โŒ';
bulletPointIcon = '๐Ÿ”ธ';
decimalChar = ','; // if you like a dot as decimal separator make the comma to a dot here
jsonVersion = CONFIGURATION_JSON_VERSION; // do not change this
enableSiriFeedback = true; // when running script via Siri, she should speak the text that is defined below BUT might be bugged atm, i wrote the dev about it

// logo is downloaded only the first time! It is saved in iCloud and then loaded from there everytime afterwards logoUrl = 'https://github.com/homebridge/branding/blob/master/logos/homebridge-silhouette-round-white.png?raw=true';

// icons:
icon_statusGood = 'checkmark.circle.fill'; // can be any SFSymbol
icon_colorGood = '#' + Color.green().hex; // must have form like '#FFFFFF'
icon_statusBad = 'exclamationmark.triangle.fill'; // can be any SFSymbol
icon_colorBad = '#' + Color.red().hex;// must have form like '#FFFFFF'
icon_statusUnknown = 'questionmark.circle.fill'; // can be any SFSymbol
icon_colorUnknown = '#' + Color.yellow().hex; // must have form like '#FFFFFF'

// internationalization:
status_hbRunning = 'Running';
status_hbUtd = 'UTD';
status_pluginsUtd = 'Plugins UTD  '; // maybe add spaces at the end if you see '...' in the widget
status_nodejsUtd = 'Node.js UTD  ';
// if you change the descriptions in the status columns, you must adapt the spacers between the columns, so that it looks good again :)
spacer_beforeFirstStatusColumn = 8;
spacer_betweenStatusColumns = 5;
spacer_afterSecondColumn = 0;

title_cpuLoad = 'CPU Load: ';
title_cpuTemp = 'CPU Temp: ';
title_ramUsage = 'RAM Usage: ';
title_uptimes = 'Uptimes:';

title_uiService = 'UI-Service: ';
title_systemGuiName = 'Raspberry Pi: '; // name of the system your service is running on

notification_title = 'Homebridge Status changed:';
notification_expandedButtonText = 'Show me!';
notification_ringTone = 'event'; // all ringtones of Scriptable are possible: default, accept, alert, complete, event, failure, piano_error, piano_success, popup

notifyText_hbNotRunning = 'Your Homebridge instance stopped ๐Ÿ˜ฑ';
notifyText_hbNotUtd = 'Update available for Homebridge ๐Ÿ˜Ž';
notifyText_pluginsNotUtd = 'Update available for one of your Plugins ๐Ÿ˜Ž';

notifyText_nodejsNotUtd = 'Update available for Node.js ๐Ÿ˜Ž';
notifyText_hbNotRunning_backNormal = 'Your Homebridge instance is back online ๐Ÿ˜';
notifyText_hbNotUtd_backNormal = 'Homebridge is now up to date โœŒ๏ธ';
notifyText_pluginsNotUtd_backNormal = 'Plugins are now up to date โœŒ๏ธ';
notifyText_nodejsNotUtd_backNormal = 'Node.js is now up to date โœŒ๏ธ';

siriGui_title_update_available = 'Available Updates:';
siriGui_title_all_UTD = 'Everything is up to date!';
siriGui_icon_version = 'arrow.right.square.fill'; // can be any SFSymbol
siriGui_icon_version_color = '#' + Color.blue().hex; // must have form like '#FFFFFF'
siri_spokenAnswer_update_available = 'At least one update is available';
siri_spokenAnswer_all_UTD = 'Everything is up to date';

error_noConnectionText = '   ' + this.failIcon + ' UI-Service not reachable!\n          ' + this.bulletPointIcon + ' Server started?\n          ' + this.bulletPointIcon + ' UI-Service process started?\n          ' + this.bulletPointIcon + ' Server-URL ' + this.hbServiceMachineBaseUrl + ' correct?\n          ' + this.bulletPointIcon + ' Are you in the same network?';


// CONFIGURATION END ////////////////////// let CONFIGURATION = new Configuration(); const noAuthUrl = () => CONFIGURATION.hbServiceMachineBaseUrl + '/api/auth/noauth'; const authUrl = () => CONFIGURATION.hbServiceMachineBaseUrl + '/api/auth/login'; const cpuUrl = () => CONFIGURATION.hbServiceMachineBaseUrl + '/api/status/cpu'; const hbStatusUrl = () => CONFIGURATION.hbServiceMachineBaseUrl + '/api/status/homebridge'; const ramUrl = () => CONFIGURATION.hbServiceMachineBaseUrl + '/api/status/ram'; const uptimeUrl = () => CONFIGURATION.hbServiceMachineBaseUrl + '/api/status/uptime'; const pluginsUrl = () => CONFIGURATION.hbServiceMachineBaseUrl + '/api/plugins'; const hbVersionUrl = () => CONFIGURATION.hbServiceMachineBaseUrl + '/api/status/homebridge-version'; const nodeJsUrl = () => CONFIGURATION.hbServiceMachineBaseUrl + '/api/status/nodejs';

const maxLineWidth = 300; // if layout doesn't look good for you, const normalLineHeight = 35; // try to tweak the (font-)sizes & remove/add spaces below const timeFormatter = new DateFormatter(); timeFormatter.dateFormat = 'dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss'; const headerFont = Font.boldMonospacedSystemFont(12); const infoFont = Font.systemFont(10); const chartAxisFont = Font.systemFont(7); const updatedAtFont = Font.systemFont(7);

const purpleBgGradient_light = createLinearGradient('#421367', '#481367'); const purpleBgGradient_dark = createLinearGradient('#250b3b', '#320d47'); const blackBgGradient_light = createLinearGradient('#707070', '#3d3d3d'); const blackBgGradient_dark = createLinearGradient('#111111', '#222222');


const NOTIFICATION_JSON_VERSION = 1; // never change this! const NOTIFICATION_JSON_FILE_NAME = 'notificationState.json'; // never change this! const HB_LOGO_FILE_NAME = 'hbLogo.png'; // never change this!

const INITIAL_NOTIFICATION_STATE = { 'jsonVersion': NOTIFICATION_JSON_VERSION, 'hbRunning': {'status': true}, 'hbUtd': {'status': true}, 'pluginsUtd': {'status': true}, 'nodeUtd': {'status': true} };

class LineChart { // LineChart by https://kevinkub.de/ // taken from https://gist.github.com/kevinkub/b74f9c16f050576ae760a7730c19b8e2 constructor(width, height, values) { this.ctx = new DrawContext(); this.ctx.size = new Size(width, height); this.values = values; }

_calculatePath() {
    let maxValue = Math.max(...this.values);
    let minValue = Math.min(...this.values);
    let difference = maxValue - minValue;
    let count = this.values.length;
    let step = this.ctx.size.width / (count - 1);
    let points = this.values.map((current, index, all) => {
        let x = step * index;
        let y = this.ctx.size.height - (current - minValue) / difference * this.ctx.size.height;
        return new Point(x, y);
    return this._getSmoothPath(points);

_getSmoothPath(points) {
    let path = new Path();
    path.move(new Point(0, this.ctx.size.height));
    for (let i = 0; i < points.length - 1; i++) {
        let xAvg = (points[i].x + points[i + 1].x) / 2;
        let yAvg = (points[i].y + points[i + 1].y) / 2;
        let avg = new Point(xAvg, yAvg);
        let cp1 = new Point((xAvg + points[i].x) / 2, points[i].y);
        let next = new Point(points[i + 1].x, points[i + 1].y);
        let cp2 = new Point((xAvg + points[i + 1].x) / 2, points[i + 1].y);
        path.addQuadCurve(avg, cp1);
        path.addQuadCurve(next, cp2);
    path.addLine(new Point(this.ctx.size.width, this.ctx.size.height));
    return path;

configure(fn) {
    let path = this._calculatePath();
    if (fn) {
        fn(this.ctx, path);
    } else {
    return this.ctx;


// WIDGET INIT ////////////////////// let widget = await createWidget(); if (!config.runsInWidget) { await widget.presentMedium(); }

Script.setWidget(widget); Script.complete();

// WIDGET INIT END //////////////////

async function createWidget() { // fileManagerMode must be LOCAL if you do not use iCloud drive let fm = CONFIGURATION.fileManagerMode === 'LOCAL' ? FileManager.local() : FileManager.iCloud();

if (args.widgetParameter) {

// you can either provide as parameter: // - the config.json file name you want to load the credentials from (must be created before it can be used but highly recommended) // valid example: 'USE_CONFIG:yourfilename.json' (the 'yourfilename' part can be changed by you) // this single parameter must start with USE_CONFIG: and end with .json // - credentials + URL directly (all other changes to the script are lost when you update it e.g. via https://scriptdu.de ) // credentials must be separated by two commas like ,,,, // a valid real example: admin,,mypassword123,, // If no password is needed for you to login just enter anything: xyz,,xyz,, if (args.widgetParameter.length > 0) { let foundCredentialsInParameter = useCredentialsFromWidgetParameter(args.widgetParameter); let fileNameSuccessfullySet = false; if (!foundCredentialsInParameter) { fileNameSuccessfullySet = checkIfConfigFileParameterIsProvided(fm, args.widgetParameter); } if (!foundCredentialsInParameter && !fileNameSuccessfullySet) { throw('Format of provided parameter not valid\n2 Valid examples: 1. USE_CONFIG:yourfilename.json\n2. admin,,mypassword123,,'); } } } let pathToConfig = getFilePath(configurationFileName, fm); if (usePersistedConfiguration && !overwritePersistedConfig) { CONFIGURATION = getPersistedObject(fm, pathToConfig, CONFIGURATION_JSON_VERSION, CONFIGURATION, false); log('Configuration ' + configurationFileName + ' has been loaded and is used!') }

// authenticate against the hb-service
let token = await getAuthToken();
if (token === undefined) {
    throw('Credentials not valid');
let widget = new ListWidget();


if (token !== UNAVAILABLE) {

// LOGO AND HEADER //////////////////////
let titleStack = widget.addStack();
titleStack.size = new Size(maxLineWidth, normalLineHeight);
const logo = await getHbLogo(fm);
const imgWidget = titleStack.addImage(logo);
imgWidget.imageSize = new Size(40, 30);

let headerText = addStyledText(titleStack, ' Homebridge ', headerFont);
headerText.size = new Size(60, normalLineHeight);
// LOGO AND HEADER END //////////////////////

if (token === UNAVAILABLE) {
    // script ends after the next line
    return addNotAvailableInfos(widget, titleStack);

// fetch all the data necessary
let hbStatus = await getHomebridgeStatus(token);
let hbVersionInfos = await getHomebridgeVersionInfos(token);
let hbUpToDate = hbVersionInfos === undefined ? undefined : !hbVersionInfos.updateAvailable;
let pluginVersionInfos = await getPluginVersionInfos(token);
let pluginsUpToDate = pluginVersionInfos === undefined ? undefined : !pluginVersionInfos.updateAvailable;
let nodeJsVersionInfos = await getNodeJsVersionInfos(token);
let nodeJsUpToDate = nodeJsVersionInfos === undefined ? undefined : !nodeJsVersionInfos.updateAvailable;

if (usePersistedConfiguration || overwritePersistedConfig) {
    // if here, the configuration seems valid -> save it for next time
    log('The valid configuration ' + configurationFileName + ' has been saved. Changes can only be applied if overwritePersistedConfig is set to true. Should be set to false after applying changes again!')
    persistObject(fm, CONFIGURATION, pathToConfig);

// STATUS PANEL IN THE HEADER ///////////////////
let statusInfo = titleStack.addStack();
let firstColumn = statusInfo.addStack();
addStatusInfo(firstColumn, hbStatus, CONFIGURATION.status_hbRunning);
addStatusInfo(firstColumn, pluginsUpToDate, CONFIGURATION.status_pluginsUtd);


let secondColumn = statusInfo.addStack();
addStatusInfo(secondColumn, hbUpToDate, CONFIGURATION.status_hbUtd);
addStatusInfo(secondColumn, nodeJsUpToDate, CONFIGURATION.status_nodejsUtd);

// STATUS PANEL IN THE HEADER END ////////////////

if (!config.runsWithSiri) {
    await buildUsualGui(widget, token);
} else if (config.runsWithSiri) {
    buildSiriGui(widget, hbVersionInfos, pluginVersionInfos, nodeJsVersionInfos);

if (CONFIGURATION.notificationEnabled) {
    handleNotifications(fm, hbStatus, hbUpToDate, pluginsUpToDate, nodeJsUpToDate);
return widget;


function buildSiriGui(widget, hbVersionInfos, pluginVersionInfos, nodeJsVersionInfos) { let mainColumns = widget.addStack(); mainColumns.size = new Size(maxLineWidth, 100);

let verticalStack = mainColumns.addStack();
if (hbVersionInfos.updateAvailable || pluginVersionInfos.updateAvailable || nodeJsVersionInfos.updateAvailable) {
    addStyledText(verticalStack, CONFIGURATION.siriGui_title_update_available, infoFont);
    if (hbVersionInfos.updateAvailable) {
        addUpdatableElement(verticalStack, CONFIGURATION.bulletPointIcon + hbVersionInfos.name + ': ', hbVersionInfos.installedVersion, hbVersionInfos.latestVersion);
    if (pluginVersionInfos.updateAvailable) {
        for (plugin of pluginVersionInfos.plugins) {
            if (CONFIGURATION.pluginsOrSwUpdatesToIgnore.includes(plugin.name)) {
            if (plugin.updateAvailable) {
                addUpdatableElement(verticalStack, CONFIGURATION.bulletPointIcon + plugin.name + ': ', plugin.installedVersion, plugin.latestVersion);
    if (nodeJsVersionInfos.updateAvailable) {
        addUpdatableElement(verticalStack, CONFIGURATION.bulletPointIcon + nodeJsVersionInfos.name + ': ', nodeJsVersionInfos.currentVersion, nodeJsVersionInfos.latestVersion);
} else {
    addStyledText(verticalStack, CONFIGURATION.siriGui_title_all_UTD, infoFont);


function speakUpdateStatus(updateAvailable) { if (CONFIGURATION.enableSiriFeedback) { if (updateAvailable) { Speech.speak(CONFIGURATION.siri_spokenAnswer_update_available); } else { Speech.speak(CONFIGURATION.siri_spokenAnswer_all_UTD); } } }

async function buildUsualGui(widget, token) { let cpuData = await fetchData(token, cpuUrl()); let ramData = await fetchData(token, ramUrl()); let usedRamText = await getUsedRamString(ramData); let uptimesArray = await getUptimesArray(token); if (cpuData && ramData) { let mainColumns = widget.addStack(); mainColumns.size = new Size(maxLineWidth, 77); mainColumns.addSpacer(4)

    // FIRST COLUMN //////////////////////
    let firstColumn = mainColumns.addStack();
    addTitleAboveChartToWidget(firstColumn, CONFIGURATION.title_cpuLoad + getAsRoundedString(cpuData.currentLoad, 1) + '%');
    addChartToWidget(firstColumn, cpuData.cpuLoadHistory);

    let temperatureString = getTemperatureString(cpuData?.cpuTemperature.main);
    if (temperatureString !== 'unknown') {
        let cpuTempText = addStyledText(firstColumn, CONFIGURATION.title_cpuTemp + temperatureString, infoFont);
        cpuTempText.size = new Size(150, 30);
    // FIRST COLUMN END //////////////////////


    // SECOND COLUMN //////////////////////
    let secondColumn = mainColumns.addStack();
    addTitleAboveChartToWidget(secondColumn, CONFIGURATION.title_ramUsage + usedRamText + '%');
    addChartToWidget(secondColumn, ramData.memoryUsageHistory);

    if (uptimesArray) {
        let uptimesStack = secondColumn.addStack();

        let upStack = uptimesStack.addStack();
        addStyledText(upStack, CONFIGURATION.title_uptimes, infoFont);

        let vertPointsStack = upStack.addStack();

        addStyledText(vertPointsStack, CONFIGURATION.bulletPointIcon + CONFIGURATION.title_systemGuiName + uptimesArray[0], infoFont);
        addStyledText(vertPointsStack, CONFIGURATION.bulletPointIcon + CONFIGURATION.title_uiService + uptimesArray[1], infoFont);
    // SECOND COLUMN END//////////////////////


    // BOTTOM UPDATED TEXT //////////////////////
    let updatedAt = addStyledText(widget, 't: ' + timeFormatter.string(new Date()), updatedAtFont);


function addUpdatableElement(stackToAdd, elementTitle, versionCurrent, versionLatest) { let itemStack = stackToAdd.addStack(); itemStack.addSpacer(17); addStyledText(itemStack, elementTitle, infoFont);

let vertPointsStack = itemStack.addStack();

let versionStack = vertPointsStack.addStack();
addStyledText(versionStack, versionCurrent, infoFont);
addIcon(versionStack, CONFIGURATION.siriGui_icon_version, new Color(CONFIGURATION.siriGui_icon_version_color));
addStyledText(versionStack, versionLatest, infoFont);


function handleSettingOfBackgroundColor(widget) { if (!CONFIGURATION.adaptToLightOrDarkMode) { switch (CONFIGURATION.bgColorMode) { case "CUSTOM": widget.backgroundGradient = createLinearGradient(CONFIGURATION.customBackgroundColor1_light, CONFIGURATION.customBackgroundColor2_light); break; case "BLACK_LIGHT": widget.backgroundGradient = blackBgGradient_light; break; case "BLACK_DARK": widget.backgroundGradient = blackBgGradient_dark; break; case "PURPLE_DARK": widget.backgroundGradient = purpleBgGradient_dark; break; case "PURPLE_LIGHT": default: widget.backgroundGradient = purpleBgGradient_light; } } else { switch (CONFIGURATION.bgColorMode) { case "CUSTOM": setGradient(widget, createLinearGradient(CONFIGURATION.customBackgroundColor1_light, CONFIGURATION.customBackgroundColor2_light), createLinearGradient(CONFIGURATION.customBackgroundColor1_dark, CONFIGURATION.customBackgroundColor2_dark)); break; case "BLACK_LIGHT": case "BLACK_DARK": setGradient(widget, blackBgGradient_light, blackBgGradient_dark); break; case "PURPLE_DARK": case "PURPLE_LIGHT": default: setGradient(widget, purpleBgGradient_light, purpleBgGradient_dark); } } }

function setGradient(widget, lightOption, darkOption) { if (Device.isUsingDarkAppearance()) { widget.backgroundGradient = darkOption; } else { widget.backgroundGradient = lightOption; } }

function getChartColorToUse() { if (CONFIGURATION.adaptToLightOrDarkMode && Device.isUsingDarkAppearance()) { return new Color(CONFIGURATION.chartColor_dark); } else { return new Color(CONFIGURATION.chartColor_light); } }

function setTextColor(textWidget) { if (CONFIGURATION.adaptToLightOrDarkMode && Device.isUsingDarkAppearance()) { textWidget.textColor = new Color(CONFIGURATION.fontColor_dark); } else { textWidget.textColor = new Color(CONFIGURATION.fontColor_light); } }

function createLinearGradient(color1, color2) { const gradient = new LinearGradient(); gradient.locations = [0, 1]; gradient.colors = [new Color(color1), new Color(color2)]; return gradient; }

function addStyledText(stackToAddTo, text, font) { let textHandle = stackToAddTo.addText(text); textHandle.font = font; setTextColor(textHandle); return textHandle; }

function addTitleAboveChartToWidget(column, titleText) { let cpuLoadTitle = column.addText(titleText); cpuLoadTitle.font = infoFont; setTextColor(cpuLoadTitle); }

function addChartToWidget(column, chartData) { let horizontalStack = column.addStack(); horizontalStack.addSpacer(5); let yAxisLabelsStack = horizontalStack.addStack(); yAxisLabelsStack.layoutVertically();

addStyledText(yAxisLabelsStack, getMaxString(chartData, 2) + '%', chartAxisFont);
addStyledText(yAxisLabelsStack, getMinString(chartData, 2) + '%', chartAxisFont);


let chartImage = new LineChart(500, 100, chartData).configure((ctx, path) => {
    ctx.opaque = false;

let vertChartImageStack = horizontalStack.addStack();

let chartImageHandle = vertChartImageStack.addImage(chartImage);
chartImageHandle.imageSize = new Size(100, 25);

let xAxisStack = vertChartImageStack.addStack();
xAxisStack.size = new Size(100, 10);

addStyledText(xAxisStack, 't-10m', chartAxisFont);
addStyledText(xAxisStack, 't', chartAxisFont);



function checkIfConfigFileParameterIsProvided(fm, givenParameter) { if (givenParameter.trim().startsWith('USE_CONFIG:') && givenParameter.trim().endsWith('.json')) { configurationFileName = givenParameter.trim().split('USE_CONFIG:')[1]; if (!fm.fileExists(getFilePath(configurationFileName, fm))) { throw('Config file with provided name ' + configurationFileName + ' does not exist!\nCreate it first by running the script once providing the name in variable configurationFileName and maybe with variable overwritePersistedConfig set to true'); } return true; } return false; }

function useCredentialsFromWidgetParameter(givenParameter) { if (givenParameter.includes(',,')) { let credentials = givenParameter.split(',,'); if (credentials.length === 3 && credentials[0].length > 0 && credentials[1].length > 0 && credentials[2].length > 0 && credentials[2].startsWith('http')) { CONFIGURATION.userName = credentials[0].trim(); CONFIGURATION.password = credentials[1].trim(); CONFIGURATION.hbServiceMachineBaseUrl = credentials[2].trim(); return true; } } return false; }

async function getAuthToken() { if (CONFIGURATION.hbServiceMachineBaseUrl === '>enter the ip with the port here<') { throw('Base URL to machine not entered! Edit variable called hbServiceMachineBaseUrl') } let req = new Request(noAuthUrl()); req.timeoutInterval = CONFIGURATION.requestTimeoutInterval; const headers = { 'accept': '\/', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }; req.method = 'POST'; req.headers = headers; req.body = JSON.stringify({}); let authData; try { authData = await req.loadJSON(); } catch (e) { return UNAVAILABLE; } if (authData.access_token) { // no credentials needed return authData.access_token; }

req = new Request(authUrl());
req.timeoutInterval = CONFIGURATION.requestTimeoutInterval;
let body = {
    'username': CONFIGURATION.userName,
    'password': CONFIGURATION.password,
    'otp': 'string'
req.body = JSON.stringify(body);
req.method = 'POST';
req.headers = headers;
try {
    authData = await req.loadJSON();
} catch (e) {
    return UNAVAILABLE;
return authData.access_token;


async function fetchData(token, url) { let req = new Request(url); req.timeoutInterval = CONFIGURATION.requestTimeoutInterval; let headers = { 'accept': '\/', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token }; req.headers = headers; let result; try { result = req.loadJSON(); } catch (e) { return undefined; } return result; }

async function getHomebridgeStatus(token) { const statusData = await fetchData(token, hbStatusUrl()); if (statusData === undefined) { return undefined; } return statusData.status === 'up'; }

async function getHomebridgeVersionInfos(token) { if (CONFIGURATION.pluginsOrSwUpdatesToIgnore.includes('HOMEBRIDGE_UTD')) { log('You configured Homebridge to not be checked for updates. Widget will show that it\'s UTD!'); return {updateAvailable: false}; } const hbVersionData = await fetchData(token, hbVersionUrl()); if (hbVersionData === undefined) { return undefined; } return hbVersionData; }

async function getNodeJsVersionInfos(token) { if (CONFIGURATION.pluginsOrSwUpdatesToIgnore.includes('NODEJS_UTD')) { log('You configured Node.js to not be checked for updates. Widget will show that it\'s UTD!'); return {updateAvailable: false}; } const nodeJsData = await fetchData(token, nodeJsUrl()); if (nodeJsData === undefined) { return undefined; } nodeJsData.name = 'node.js'; return nodeJsData; }

async function getPluginVersionInfos(token) { const pluginsData = await fetchData(token, pluginsUrl()); if (pluginsData === undefined) { return undefined; } for (plugin of pluginsData) { if (CONFIGURATION.pluginsOrSwUpdatesToIgnore.includes(plugin.name)) { log('You configured ' + plugin.name + ' to not be checked for updates. Widget will show that it\'s UTD!'); continue; } if (plugin.updateAvailable) { return {plugins: pluginsData, updateAvailable: true}; } } return {plugins: pluginsData, updateAvailable: false}; }

async function getUsedRamString(ramData) { if (ramData === undefined) return 'unknown'; return getAsRoundedString(100 - 100 * ramData.mem.available / ramData.mem.total, 2); }

async function getUptimesArray(token) { const uptimeData = await fetchData(token, uptimeUrl()); if (uptimeData === undefined) return undefined;

return [formatSeconds(uptimeData.time.uptime), formatSeconds(uptimeData.processUptime)];


function formatSeconds(value) { if (value > 60 60 24) { return getAsRoundedString(value / 60 / 60 / 24, 1) + 'd'; } else if (value > 60 * 60) { return getAsRoundedString(value / 60 / 60, 1) + 'h'; } else if (value > 60) { return getAsRoundedString(value / 60, 1) + 'm'; } else { return getAsRoundedString(value, 1) + 's'; } }

async function loadImage(imgUrl) { let req = new Request(imgUrl); req.timeoutInterval = CONFIGURATION.requestTimeoutInterval; let image = await req.loadImage(); return image; }

async function getHbLogo(fm) { let path = getFilePath(HB_LOGO_FILE_NAME, fm); if (fm.fileExists(path)) { return fm.readImage(path); } else { // logo did not exist -> download it and save it for next time the widget runs const logo = await loadImage(CONFIGURATION.logoUrl); fm.writeImage(path, logo); return logo; } }

function getFilePath(fileName, fm) { let dirPath = fm.joinPath(fm.documentsDirectory(), 'homebridgeStatus'); if (!fm.fileExists(dirPath)) { fm.createDirectory(dirPath); } return fm.joinPath(dirPath, fileName); }

function addNotAvailableInfos(widget, titleStack) { let statusInfo = titleStack.addText(' '); setTextColor(statusInfo); statusInfo.size = new Size(150, normalLineHeight); let errorText = widget.addText(CONFIGURATION.error_noConnectionText); errorText.size = new Size(410, 130); errorText.font = infoFont; setTextColor(errorText);

let updatedAt = widget.addText('t: ' + timeFormatter.string(new Date()));
updatedAt.font = updatedAtFont;

return widget;


function getAsRoundedString(value, decimals) { let factor = Math.pow(10, decimals); return (Math.round((value + Number.EPSILON) * factor) / factor).toString().replace('.', CONFIGURATION.decimalChar); }

function getMaxString(arrayOfNumbers, decimals) { let factor = Math.pow(10, decimals); return (Math.round((Math.max(...arrayOfNumbers) + Number.EPSILON) * factor) / factor).toString().replace('.', CONFIGURATION.decimalChar); }

function getMinString(arrayOfNumbers, decimals) { let factor = Math.pow(10, decimals); return (Math.round((Math.min(...arrayOfNumbers) + Number.EPSILON) * factor) / factor).toString().replace('.', CONFIGURATION.decimalChar); }

function getTemperatureString(temperatureInCelsius) { if (temperatureInCelsius === undefined || temperatureInCelsius < 0) return 'unknown';

if (CONFIGURATION.temperatureUnitConfig === 'FAHRENHEIT') {
    return getAsRoundedString(convertToFahrenheit(temperatureInCelsius), 1) + 'ยฐF';
} else {
    return getAsRoundedString(temperatureInCelsius, 1) + 'ยฐC';


function convertToFahrenheit(temperatureInCelsius) { return temperatureInCelsius * 9 / 5 + 32; }

function addStatusIcon(widget, statusBool) { let name = ''; let color; if (statusBool === undefined) { name = CONFIGURATION.icon_statusUnknown; color = new Color(CONFIGURATION.icon_colorUnknown); } else if (statusBool) { name = CONFIGURATION.icon_statusGood; color = new Color(CONFIGURATION.icon_colorGood); } else { name = CONFIGURATION.icon_statusBad; color = new Color(CONFIGURATION.icon_colorBad); } addIcon(widget, name, color); }

function addStatusInfo(lineWidget, statusBool, shownText) { let itemStack = lineWidget.addStack(); addStatusIcon(itemStack, statusBool); itemStack.addSpacer(2); let text = itemStack.addText(shownText); text.font = Font.semiboldMonospacedSystemFont(10); setTextColor(text); }

function handleNotifications(fm, hbRunning, hbUtd, pluginsUtd, nodeUtd) { let path = getFilePath(NOTIFICATION_JSON_FILE_NAME, fm); let state = getPersistedObject(fm, path, NOTIFICATION_JSON_VERSION, INITIAL_NOTIFICATION_STATE, true); let now = new Date(); let shouldUpdateState = false; if (shouldNotify(hbRunning, state.hbRunning.status, state.hbRunning.lastNotified)) { state.hbRunning.status = hbRunning; state.hbRunning.lastNotified = now; shouldUpdateState = true; scheduleNotification(CONFIGURATION.notifyText_hbNotRunning); } else if (hbRunning && !state.hbRunning.status) { state.hbRunning.status = hbRunning; state.hbRunning.lastNotified = undefined; shouldUpdateState = true; if (!CONFIGURATION.disableStateBackToNormalNotifications) { scheduleNotification(CONFIGURATION.notifyText_hbNotRunning_backNormal); } }

if (shouldNotify(hbUtd, state.hbUtd.status, state.hbUtd.lastNotified)) {
    state.hbUtd.status = hbUtd;
    state.hbUtd.lastNotified = now;
    shouldUpdateState = true;
} else if (hbUtd && !state.hbUtd.status) {
    state.hbUtd.status = hbUtd;
    state.hbUtd.lastNotified = undefined;
    shouldUpdateState = true;
    if (!CONFIGURATION.disableStateBackToNormalNotifications) {

if (shouldNotify(pluginsUtd, state.pluginsUtd.status, state.pluginsUtd.lastNotified)) {
    state.pluginsUtd.status = pluginsUtd;
    state.pluginsUtd.lastNotified = now;
    shouldUpdateState = true;
} else if (pluginsUtd && !state.pluginsUtd.status) {
    state.pluginsUtd.status = pluginsUtd;
    state.pluginsUtd.lastNotified = undefined;
    shouldUpdateState = true;
    if (!CONFIGURATION.disableStateBackToNormalNotifications) {

if (shouldNotify(nodeUtd, state.nodeUtd.status, state.nodeUtd.lastNotified)) {
    state.nodeUtd.status = nodeUtd;
    state.nodeUtd.lastNotified = now;
    shouldUpdateState = true;
} else if (nodeUtd && !state.nodeUtd.status) {
    state.nodeUtd.status = nodeUtd;
    state.nodeUtd.lastNotified = undefined;
    shouldUpdateState = true;
    if (!CONFIGURATION.disableStateBackToNormalNotifications) {

if (shouldUpdateState) {
    persistObject(fm, state, path);


function shouldNotify(currentBool, boolFromLastTime, lastNotifiedDate) { return (!currentBool && (boolFromLastTime || isTimeToNotifyAgain(lastNotifiedDate))); }

function isTimeToNotifyAgain(dateToCheck) { if (dateToCheck === undefined) return true;

let dateInThePast = new Date(dateToCheck);
let now = new Date();
let timeBetweenDates = parseInt((now.getTime() - dateInThePast.getTime()) / 1000); // seconds
return timeBetweenDates > CONFIGURATION.notificationIntervalInDays * 24 * 60 * 60;


function scheduleNotification(text) { let not = new Notification(); not.title = CONFIGURATION.notification_title; not.body = text; not.addAction(CONFIGURATION.notification_expandedButtonText, CONFIGURATION.hbServiceMachineBaseUrl, false); not.sound = CONFIGURATION.notification_ringTone; not.schedule(); }

function getPersistedObject(fm, path, versionToCheckAgainst, initialObjectToPersist, createIfNotExisting) { if (fm.fileExists(path)) { let raw, persistedObject; try { raw = fm.readString(path); persistedObject = JSON.parse(raw); } catch (e) { // file corrupted -> remove it fm.remove(path); }

    if (persistedObject && (persistedObject.jsonVersion === undefined || persistedObject.jsonVersion < versionToCheckAgainst)) {
        // the version of the json file is outdated -> remove it and recreate it
        log('Unfortunately, the configuration structure changed and your old config is not compatible anymore. It is now removed and a new one is created with the initial configuration. ')
    } else {
        return persistedObject;
if (createIfNotExisting) {
    // create a new state json
    persistObject(fm, initialObjectToPersist, path);
return initialObjectToPersist;


function persistObject(fm, object, path) { let raw = JSON.stringify(object); fm.writeString(path, raw); }

function addIcon(widget, name, color) { let sf = SFSymbol.named(name); sf.applyFont(Font.heavySystemFont(50)); let iconImage = sf.image; let imageWidget = widget.addImage(iconImage); imageWidget.resizable = true; imageWidget.imageSize = new Size(13, 13); imageWidget.tintColor = color; }

Ludelag commented 3 years ago

Yes, I can reach via URL

lwitzani commented 3 years ago

Wow thatโ€˜s like the whole script...i just meant the code that was covered by the log window since this is where the url is configured. You still have not http:// in front of the ip as i mentioned in the last message. this is problem...

Ludelag commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I will copy right, in the mind time I don't know if the double factor has security has something to do?

lwitzani commented 3 years ago

Yes, if you have 2FA activated, then it probably wonโ€˜t work. Itโ€˜s not specifically designed to support this

Ludelag commented 3 years ago

I will enable it, and let you know works or not.

lwitzani commented 3 years ago

There is already an issue about that. Just read through the open and closed issues

Ludelag commented 3 years ago

![Uploading 100146713...]

Ludelag commented 3 years ago


It works !!! There were two issues, one the double factor and the second was the missing of the "http://" I've written only the IP, now is all correct ! Thank you for your time and for a wonderful widget

lwitzani commented 3 years ago

Glad it works ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป In case you wonder: The temperature is not shown for you, because your system does not provide this info. Will close the issue now

Ludelag commented 3 years ago

Thank you