lwitzani / homebridgeStatusWidget

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Open url won’t work with iPadOS 15 #40

Closed testpaul999 closed 2 years ago

testpaul999 commented 3 years ago


I use the public beta from iPadOS 15 and I can’t put the Url into the widget field anymore.

lwitzani commented 3 years ago

Can you post a screenshot? Is this a problem of iOS 15? Or of the Scriptable app itself? Or of my Script?

testpaul999 commented 3 years ago

Yes, sure here they are. I don’t now who the issue is located with iPadOS 14 it will run fine.

3DB9AED9-2914-4345-B492-BCB6CCDE6A48 URL write in

B818810D-4FD8-44FB-9060-B1067E63960F Push the widget

19F55F56-6DC6-4E4D-9D23-5D1FA399EFC8 Go at configure widget and it‘s empty

lwitzani commented 3 years ago

Can you scroll inside of this window? Because there must be the „Parameter“ section at the bottom. It must look like this 8A23CE60-5B59-40B3-A3FB-822970EC025E

testpaul999 commented 3 years ago

This field are empty. I‘ll always open the website with the widget. Like this old wish from me here. „Have wish, is it possible to implement in the widget a button to the Webseite. #26“

lwitzani commented 3 years ago

If you have the Parameter section, then you must enter the credentials und the url there. In a specific format! please check the read.me on how to configure the widget. If you enter the URL like you did in the Url section and configured „when interacting -> open Url“, this will really open a webpage with your configured url, but this has nothing to do with my script configuration ;). E.g. if you change „open url“ to „open script“ then wen you tap the widget, the Script in Scriptable opens…

testpaul999 commented 3 years ago

Ok so this is different from iPadOS 14 to 15? Yes I see the parameter field but I‘ll only have to open the webpage. So did you see a solution? I don’t want to have this „ If you have the Parameter section, then you must enter the credentials und the url there. In a specific format! please check the read.me on how to configure the widget.“


lwitzani commented 3 years ago

So as far as i can tell, nothing is wrong with iOS 15 or the Scriptable app or my script. It’s still the same as ios 14. You just need to configure it properly in my opinion. here is one way to configure the widget: 0A16FFFC-5CC9-47FD-A3A4-F0530127A445

testpaul999 commented 3 years ago

No I can’t follow your mind. I have Test this with my iPhone and iOS 14 there it works like expected. Put only the url at the field push the widget and the website will be opened.

https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35597907/126293427-f8610c5e-16f7-4ce4-b50c-e7d7c982fe63.MOV I use the same script I’ve copy it with all entry’s in it.

lwitzani commented 3 years ago

Oh wait. You just want this feature that when you tap the widget the webpage opens? Seems i misunderstood something here. I thought you can‘t manage to get the widget itself running.

All right, so this actually really does not have anything to do with my script :). This is a feature of Scriptable itself. You can do this (open an URL) with any widget of Scriptable. So the problem here is either ios15 or Scriptable. Sorry i misunderstood

testpaul999 commented 3 years ago

😀 not a problem thx for your patience. Have also open a feedback to apple 😉

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