lwolf / kube-cleanup-operator

Kubernetes Operator to automatically delete completed Jobs and their Pods
MIT License
498 stars 109 forks source link

replace role with clusterrole #67

Closed ivaanko closed 3 years ago

ivaanko commented 3 years ago


Thanks for the helm chart though it didn't work out of the box on the cluster level. In this PR I basically copied rbac.yaml from deployment folder to the chart and helmified it a bit.

Thank you! Ivan

lwolf commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the PR. Will be great if you can add cluster-wide rbac alongside the one that are already there so people can chose.

ivaanko commented 3 years ago

Hi! Updated. Is it better now?

ivaanko commented 3 years ago

Updated and I can't wait to get rid of my tmp rbac fix in by clusters and start using your amazing chart out of the box!

lwolf commented 3 years ago

Merged and released. Thanks again for the PR

$ helm repo update
$ helm search kube-cleanup
NAME                                CHART VERSION   APP VERSION DESCRIPTION
lwolf-charts/kube-cleanup-operator  1.0.1           v0.8.1      Kubernetes Operator to automatically delete completed Job...