Open alt-tab-macos-bot opened 2 years ago
We have tickets for item 1 and 4 already.
Allow user to place entire AltTab window anywhere on screen and remember that location (similar to how you can move the Spotlight window to a custom location on screen)
I just checked and indeed it can be dragged. My mind is blown. There are so many advanced features in macOS, it never ceases to amaze me.
Yes, we could consider that indeed.
Add a legend/key of what each icon means for status icons
This is one of the most sensible request I've seen in a while. I totally agree that the icons are not self-explanatory. They are useful because they are compact (vs showing a whole label like "minimized").
A legend could help make them better without compromising the compactness of the UI 👍
Repositioning the window has too many issues with it and is too nice. I'm keeping this ticket for the legends part only.
This issue was opened by a bot after a user submitted feedback through the in-app form.
Debug profile
* App version: 6.31.0 * App preferences: * MSAppCenter310AppCenterUserDefaultsMigratedKey: 1 * MSAppCenter310CrashesUserDefaultsMigratedKey: 1 * MSAppCenterInstallId: 420C2CAD-620C-42CF-98AA-258B8C068EB9 * MSAppCenterNetworkRequestsAllowed: 0 * MSAppCenterPastDevices: <62706c69 73743030 d4010203 04050666 67582476 65727369 6f6e5824 6f626a65 63747359 24617263 68697665 72542474 6f701200 0186a0af 10150708 0e14181e 4c4d4e4f 50515253 54555657 585d6255 246e756c 6cd2090a 0b0d5a4e 532e6f62 6a656374 73562463 6c617373 a10c8002 8014d30f 100a1112 135c7469 6d657374 616d704b 65795964 65766963 654b6579 80038005 8013d215 0a161757 4e532e74 696d6523 41c3e34a 819349cf 8004d219 1a1b1c5a 24636c61 73736e61 6d655824 636c6173 73657356 4e534461 7465a21b 1d584e53 4f626a65 6374df10 171f2021 220a2324 25262728 292a2b2c 2d2e2f30 31323334 35363738 39373838 3d3e3838 38384344 45463838 494a4b59 6f735665 7273696f 6e5e7469 6d655a6f 6e654f66 66736574 58617070 4275696c 645f1015 6c697665 55706461 74655061 636b6167 65486173 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72542474 6f701200 0186a0a7 07080e14 181e2355 246e756c 6cd2090a 0b0d5a4e 532e6f62 6a656374 73562463 6c617373 a10c8002 8006d30f 100a1112 135c7469 6d657374 616d704b 65795c73 65737369 6f6e4964 4b657980 03800080 05d2150a 1617574e 532e7469 6d652341 c3e34a81 8bdcf980 04d2191a 1b1c5a24 636c6173 736e616d 65582463 6c617373 6573564e 53446174 65a21b1d 584e534f 626a6563 74d2191a 1f205f10 164d5341 43536573 73696f6e 48697374 6f727949 6e666fa3 21221d5f 10164d53 41435365 7373696f 6e486973 746f7279 496e666f 5f100f4d 53414348 6973746f 7279496e 666fd219 1a24255e 4e534d75 7461626c 65417272 6179a324 261d574e 53417272 61795f10 0f4e534b 65796564 41726368 69766572 d1292a54 726f6f74 80010008 0011001a 0023002d 00320037 003f0045 004a0055 005c005e 00600062 00690076 00830085 00870089 008e0096 009f00a1 00a600b1 00ba00c1 00c400cd 00d200eb 00ef0108 011a011f 012e0132 013a014c 014f0154 00000000 00000201 00000000 0000002b 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000156> * MSAppCenterUserIdHistory: <62706c69 73743030 d4010203 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NSStatusItem Preferred Position Item-0: 1000 * NSWindow Frame SUUpdateAlert: 970 768 620 392 0 0 2560 1417 * SUHasLaunchedBefore: 1 * SULastCheckTime: 2022-02-23 15:28:49 +0000 * SUUpdateGroupIdentifier: 2347785939 * SUUpdateRelaunchingMarker: 0 * alignThumbnails: 1 * appsToShow: 0 * cursorFollowFocusEnabled: false * fadeOutAnimation: false * fontHeight: 12 * hideAppBadges: true * hideSpaceNumberLabels: false * hideStatusIcons: false * hideThumbnails: false * hideWindowlessApps: true * holdShortcut: ⌘ * iconSize: 30 * maxHeightOnScreen: 75 * maxWidthOnScreen: 75 * menubarIcon: 0 * nextWindowShortcut: ⇥ * nextWindowShortcut2: ⇥ * preferencesVersion: 6.31.0 * rowsCount: 4 * shortcutStyle: 0 * shortcutStyle2: 0 * showOnScreen: 1 * showTabsAsWindows: false * theme: 0 * titleTruncation: 0 * updatePolicy: 1 * windowDisplayDelay: 82 * windowMaxWidthInRow: 100 * windowMinWidthInRow: 5 * Applications: 70 * Windows: 13 * {isFullscreen: false, isWindowlessApp: false, isMinimized: false, isHidden: 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false, isWindowlessApp: false, isMinimized: false, isHidden: false, isTabbed: false, isOnAllSpaces: false, shouldShowTheUser: true, spaceId: 7, spaceIndex: 2} * {isFullscreen: false, isWindowlessApp: false, isMinimized: false, isHidden: false, isTabbed: false, isOnAllSpaces: false, shouldShowTheUser: true, spaceId: 7, spaceIndex: 2} * {isFullscreen: false, isWindowlessApp: false, isMinimized: false, isHidden: false, isTabbed: false, isOnAllSpaces: false, shouldShowTheUser: true, spaceId: 7, spaceIndex: 2} * {isFullscreen: false, isWindowlessApp: false, isMinimized: false, isHidden: false, isTabbed: false, isOnAllSpaces: false, shouldShowTheUser: true, spaceId: 7, spaceIndex: 2} * {isFullscreen: false, isWindowlessApp: false, isMinimized: false, isHidden: false, isTabbed: false, isOnAllSpaces: false, shouldShowTheUser: true, spaceId: 1, spaceIndex: 1} * {isFullscreen: false, isWindowlessApp: false, isMinimized: false, isHidden: false, isTabbed: false, isOnAllSpaces: false, shouldShowTheUser: true, spaceId: 7, spaceIndex: 2} * {isFullscreen: false, isWindowlessApp: false, isMinimized: false, isHidden: false, isTabbed: false, isOnAllSpaces: false, shouldShowTheUser: true, spaceId: 1, spaceIndex: 1} * OS version: Version 10.14.6 (Build 18G9323) * OS architecture: x86_64 * Locale: en_US (current) * Spaces: 2 * Dark mode: Light * "Displays have separate Spaces": checked * Hardware model: iMac19,1 * Screens: 2 * {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, width: 2560.0, height: 1440.0} * {x: -2560.0, y: -102.0, width: 2560.0, height: 1440.0} * CPU model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz * Memory size: 34.36 GB * Active CPU count: 6 * Current CPU frequency: 3.7 Ghz * Resource utilization: * CPU: 0.3% * Memory: 75M * Threads count: 12