lwouis / alt-tab-macos

Windows alt-tab on macOS
GNU General Public License v3.0
10.55k stars 321 forks source link

[In-app feedback] #3575

Closed alt-tab-macos-bot closed 2 weeks ago

alt-tab-macos-bot commented 2 weeks ago

This issue was opened by a bot after a user submitted feedback through the in-app form.

From: bichler@gmail.com


hi! I am using the vim bindings to navigate the window changes. I am also using darkmode and it's difficult to see where I am currently at. Is there a way that it also gets a white border that highlights my current status?



Debug profile

* App version: 6.72.0 * App preferences: * MSAppCenter310AppCenterUserDefaultsMigratedKey: 1 * MSAppCenter310CrashesUserDefaultsMigratedKey: 1 * MSAppCenterInstallId: A8E071A1-2386-4DB5-A23D-FA2FA0B00C47 * MSAppCenterNetworkRequestsAllowed: 0 * MSAppCenterPastDevices: {length = 1150, bytes = 0x62706c69 73743030 d4010203 04050607 ... 00000000 0000038a } * MSAppCenterSessionIdHistory: {length = 460, bytes = 0x62706c69 73743030 d4010203 04050607 ... 00000000 00000156 } * MSAppCenterUserIdHistory: {length = 455, bytes = 0x62706c69 73743030 d4010203 04050607 ... 00000000 00000151 } * NSWindow Frame SUStatusFrame: 701 1801 400 135 61 1120 1680 1025 * NSWindow Frame SUUpdateAlert: 591 1590 620 398 61 1120 1680 1025 * SUHasLaunchedBefore: 1 * SULastCheckTime: 2024-08-27 16:56:06 +0000 * SUUpdateGroupIdentifier: 1788768313 * SUUpdateRelaunchingMarker: 0 * focusWindowShortcut: ↩ * fontHeight: 20 * hideAppBadges: true * hideShowAppShortcut: 0 * hideSpaceNumberLabels: true * hideStatusIcons: true * hideWindowlessApps: true * preferencesVersion: 6.72.0 * previewFocusedWindow: true * shortcutStyle: 1 * showTabsAsWindows: true * updatePolicy: 1 * vimKeysEnabled: true * windowMaxWidthInRow: 30 * Applications: 59 * Windows: 13 * {isFullscreen: false, isWindowlessApp: false, isMinimized: false, isHidden: false, isTabbed: false, isOnAllSpaces: false, shouldShowTheUser: true, spaceId: 1, spaceIndex: 1} * {isFullscreen: false, isWindowlessApp: false, isMinimized: false, isHidden: false, isTabbed: false, isOnAllSpaces: false, shouldShowTheUser: true, spaceId: 1, spaceIndex: 1} * {isFullscreen: false, isWindowlessApp: false, isMinimized: false, isHidden: false, isTabbed: false, isOnAllSpaces: false, shouldShowTheUser: true, spaceId: 1, spaceIndex: 1} * {isFullscreen: false, isWindowlessApp: false, isMinimized: false, isHidden: false, isTabbed: false, isOnAllSpaces: false, shouldShowTheUser: true, spaceId: 7, spaceIndex: 7} * {isFullscreen: false, isWindowlessApp: false, isMinimized: false, isHidden: false, isTabbed: false, isOnAllSpaces: false, shouldShowTheUser: true, spaceId: 1, spaceIndex: 1} * {isFullscreen: true, isWindowlessApp: false, isMinimized: false, isHidden: false, isTabbed: false, isOnAllSpaces: false, shouldShowTheUser: true, spaceId: 14, spaceIndex: 2} * {isFullscreen: false, isWindowlessApp: false, isMinimized: false, isHidden: true, isTabbed: false, isOnAllSpaces: false, shouldShowTheUser: true, spaceId: 1, spaceIndex: 1} * {isFullscreen: false, isWindowlessApp: false, isMinimized: false, isHidden: false, isTabbed: true, isOnAllSpaces: false, shouldShowTheUser: true, spaceId: 1, spaceIndex: 1} * {isFullscreen: false, isWindowlessApp: false, isMinimized: false, isHidden: false, isTabbed: true, isOnAllSpaces: false, shouldShowTheUser: true, spaceId: 1, spaceIndex: 1} * {isFullscreen: false, isWindowlessApp: false, isMinimized: false, isHidden: true, isTabbed: true, isOnAllSpaces: false, shouldShowTheUser: true, spaceId: 1, spaceIndex: 1} * {isFullscreen: false, isWindowlessApp: false, isMinimized: false, isHidden: true, isTabbed: true, isOnAllSpaces: false, shouldShowTheUser: true, spaceId: 1, spaceIndex: 1} * {isFullscreen: false, isWindowlessApp: false, isMinimized: false, isHidden: false, isTabbed: false, isOnAllSpaces: false, shouldShowTheUser: true, spaceId: 1, spaceIndex: 1} * {isFullscreen: false, isWindowlessApp: false, isMinimized: false, isHidden: false, isTabbed: false, isOnAllSpaces: false, shouldShowTheUser: true, spaceId: 1, spaceIndex: 1} * OS version: Version 14.6.1 (Build 23G93) * OS architecture: x86_64 * Locale: en_AT (fixed en_AT) * Spaces: 7 * Dark mode: Dark * "Displays have separate Spaces": checked * Hardware model: MacBookPro16,1 * Screens: 2 * {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, width: 1792.0, height: 1120.0} * {x: 61.0, y: 1120.0, width: 1680.0, height: 1050.0} * CPU model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz * Memory size: 34,36 GB * Active CPU count: 12 * Current CPU frequency: 2.6 Ghz * Resource utilization: * CPU: 0.2% * Memory: 88M+ * Threads count: 15

lwouis commented 2 weeks ago

This will soon be solved by #351 which will ship with a "High Visibility" mode, in addition to improved based visibility 👍