lwsjs / local-web-server

A lean, modular web server for rapid full-stack development.
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proxy for outgoing requests #114

Closed 5im-0n closed 5 years ago

5im-0n commented 5 years ago

Is there a way to specify a proxy for outgoing requests? At work we have to pass requests that go to the internet trough a proxy. I have http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables set, and most command line utilities like curl, git and so on use those env vars, but when I do something like

--rewrite '/api/* -> https://external-service.example.com/api/$1'

the https://external-service.example.com/api/$1 requests do not use the proxy for the outgoing connection. Am I doing something wrong, or is a proxy just not supported?

75lb commented 5 years ago

Hi, sorry I was on holiday.. requests rewritten to a remote server using --rewrite do not currently respect http_proxy env variables, I will look into this..

5im-0n commented 5 years ago

No problem @75lb, thanks for the answer and thanks for putting this awesome web server together. Hope you had a nice holiday!

5im-0n commented 5 years ago

I tried to create a patch for this in req-then, but the proxy connection is rather complex for https endpoint (a CONNECT has to be issued first). Would it be ok for you if I mess around in req-then to add the proxy support? Or would you rather use some other library that can handle a proxy to make the outgoing request and add that as a dependency?

5im-0n commented 5 years ago

local-web-server could also use global-tunnel-ng, just by adding require('global-tunnel-ng').initialize() in the ws script, or sometime on startup. But the globalAgent override in rewrite would have to go, and setSocketKeepAlive has to be used instead.

I would be happy to make a pull request. Let me know @75lb.

5im-0n commented 5 years ago

Here is my proposal: https://github.com/lwsjs/rewrite/pull/2 https://github.com/lwsjs/local-web-server/pull/116

75lb commented 5 years ago

Hi, thanks again for the contribution.. this is high on my list to look at, will get back to you ASAP 👍

75lb commented 5 years ago

hmm, global-tunnel does not support node v11 and above - it recommends using global-agent but that doesn't support node v8 (but that's not a blocker).

We need node v12 support at the least. If your patch works using global-agent, let me know. I'm looking for the most minimal solution possible to achieve http_proxy support.

Btw, the require('global-tunnel-ng').initialize() line you added to local-web-server should instead be added to the top of the lws-rewrite module. Keeps all the changes in one place and avoids tightly coupling local-web-server to its plugins. 👍

5im-0n commented 5 years ago

Here you go: https://github.com/lwsjs/rewrite/pull/3

75lb commented 5 years ago

If you run this script using your own local proxy host and port details does it correctly print the facebook response?

const http = require('http')

const reqOptions = {
  host: '', // replace with your proxy host
  port: 3128, // proxy port
  path: 'https://www.facebook.com',
  headers: {
    host: 'www.facebook.com',
    'user-agent': 'nodejs'
http.get(reqOptions, res => {
  console.log(res.statusCode, res.headers)
5im-0n commented 5 years ago

No, it does not work. The proxy is configured to use the CONNECT method for TLS connections.

You can reproduce the problem like this: https://31337.it/ is configured to allow connections on port 80 and 443. If a connection on port 80 is made, a 302 redirect to https is returned:

$ npx anyproxy &

$ cat | node <<EOF
const http = require('http')

const reqOptions = {
  host: '', // replace with your proxy host
  port: 8001, // proxy port
  path: 'https://31337.it/',
  headers: {
    host: '31337.it',
    'user-agent': 'nodejs'
http.get(reqOptions, res => {
  console.log(res.statusCode, res.headers)
$ npx anyproxy &
[1] 1198
[AnyProxy Log][2019-05-22 08:55:05]: Http proxy started on port 8001
[AnyProxy Log][2019-05-22 08:55:05]: web interface started on port 8002
cat | node <<EOF
> const http = require('http')
> const reqOptions = {
>   host: '', // replace with your proxy host
>   port: 8001, // proxy port
>   path: 'https://31337.it/',
>   headers: {
>     host: '31337.it',
>     'user-agent': 'nodejs'
>   }
> }
> http.get(reqOptions, res => {
>   console.log(res.statusCode, res.headers)
>   res.pipe(process.stdout)
> })
[AnyProxy Log][2019-05-22 08:55:10]: received request to: GET 31337.it/
301 { date: 'Wed, 22 May 2019 06:55:11 GMT',
  server: 'Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu)',
  location: 'https://31337.it/',
  'content-type': 'text/html; charset=iso-8859-1',
  'x-anyproxy-origin-content-length': '299',
  'x-anyproxy-origin-connection': 'close',
  'content-length': '299',
  connection: 'close' }
<title>301 Moved Permanently</title>
<h1>Moved Permanently</h1>
<p>The document has moved <a href="https://31337.it/">here</a>.</p>
<address>Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu) Server at 31337.it Port 80</address>

As you can see, the request to 31337.it from the proxy is made on port 80, not 443, and an http 302 is returned. Same happens with facebook.com or stackoverflow.com.

75lb commented 5 years ago

Hi, thanks for that reproduction example - i'll try that in a min.. in the meantime, could you test this example please. Here are the commands to run the gist:

git clone https://gist.github.com/7e00e6c6acebb1e9da85e5b5521a2a26.git tunnel
cd tunnel/
npm install 
node index.js 

The script will attempt to load https://www.google.com via your configured http_proxy variable (which must be in http://x.x.x.x:xxxx format).

5im-0n commented 5 years ago

jup: works.

5im-0n commented 5 years ago

But it does not work with http://www.nossl.net/

75lb commented 5 years ago

yeah, the example only works with HTTPS - for HTTP I would need to use a different module (http-proxy-agent).

I'm looking for a reliable, non-intrusive solution which ideally works with node 8,10 and 12, handles Proxy Auth and both HTTP proxying and CONNECT-based tunnelling. Thanks for helping me so far!

Could you try my example using the request module please. It will automatically pick up your http_proxy env variable.

git clone https://gist.github.com/c3a2da31bbec2711074f7fcacf4c6859.git request
cd request/
npm install 
node index.js <url to request>

If HTTP requests don't work for you, try forcing the request module to always use CONNECT-tunnelling by setting tunnel: true in line 4.

5im-0n commented 5 years ago

request works, but it's deprecated: https://github.com/request/request/issues/3142

75lb commented 5 years ago

yeah, personally I never use it but in this situation it ticks the most boxes. I'm not using global-agent, it is massive (includes the 5mb core-js library), seems incomplete (it's less than one month old and a WIP) and is completely unused in the wild.

5im-0n commented 5 years ago

I understand. Then maybe request is the best option. It will work for a lot of years to come for sure.

75lb commented 5 years ago

This is fixed and released in lws-rewrite v1.0.0. The new version uses the latest version of path-to-regexp which has some breaking changes since the last version.. basically, if your "from" route contains a wildcard, e.g. /api/* it should be changed to /api/(.*). Let me know if you have any issues.

To test the latest lws-rewrite, install it locally to your project then run a custom stack e.g.

$ npm install lws-rewrite
$ ws --stack ./node_modules/lws-rewrite/ lws-static
5im-0n commented 5 years ago

Works like a charm!

5im-0n commented 5 years ago

@75lb, may I ask when you plan to release this new version?

75lb commented 5 years ago

I'm still working on local-web-server v3 but i've published a prerelease, just for you.

$ npm install local-web-server@next

Obviously this is still in beta and unstable! Let me know if you have any issues.

75lb commented 5 years ago

Fixed and released in v3.0.0