lwu1822 / fastpages

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Tri 3 Project Work #43

Open lwu1822 opened 1 year ago

lwu1822 commented 1 year ago

Below are tangibles as well as a place for me to refer back to on what I have worked on.



Ensured JWT configurations were working. Spent an hour on this because I forgot that I also needed to update MvcConfig.java image Note: Will change the nighthawkcoders.github.io link in the future.


Debugged our group's Quiz POJO to fix errors image

Researched BufferedReader to read from a text file with all the quiz questions. A while loop sets each line to an attribute to the quiz question object and then appends it to an array. image


Made a Score POJO, API controller, JPA repository to record people's quiz scores.


I deployed our backend website and updated the Nginx file so that CORS errors were resolved. Deployed backend


Encountered a curl 56 error. Had to align the ports in application.properties with the port in Dockerfile.


Login page

Made the fetch API on templates/login.html image

Improvement: Style the page

Signup page

Made the fetch API on templates/signup.html to create a user. image

Improvement: Add a user successfully created message

Quiz questions

Made a fetch API to access questions from the backend.

Improvement: Add a MC forntend format