lx865712528 / ACL2019-ODEE

This is the code for our ACL 2019 paper "Open Domain Event Extraction Using Neural Latent Variable Models"
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Stanford CoreNLP error: edu.stanford.nlp.time.TimeExpressionExtractorImpl #5

Open gabrer opened 3 years ago

gabrer commented 3 years ago

As anyone would expect after more than a year, the requirements have changed. In particular, for the Stanford CoreNLP it is not possible to use the 3.9.1 release, as this would rise an error in the odee_preprocess.py: edu.stanford.nlp.time.TimeExpressionExtractorImpl

Before Java 11, adding --add-modules java.se.ee to the java command would have fixed the issue. Since Java 9, they stopped including by default some modules, so you need to tell it to use the java.se.ee stuff. However, the java.se.ee module is no longer available in Java 11.

After Java 11, the issue has been resolved using the CoreNLP's 3.9.2 release.

Glaciohound commented 3 years ago

Emmm... I am using java 8, and the original scripts on CoreNLP 3.9.1 run just fine on my machine. Wondering why >_<. Maybe some configurations on my machine are not what they appeared to me and therefore bypassed the problem?