lx865712528 / EMNLP2018-JMEE

This is the code for our EMNLP 2018 paper "Jointly Multiple Events Extraction via Attention-based Graph Information Aggregation"
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Problem about dependency arc in json file. #3

Closed airkid closed 5 years ago

airkid commented 5 years ago

Since the paper only use 3 kinds of graph edges, should we change this line from
https://github.com/lx865712528/JMEE/blob/494451d5852ba724d273ee6f97602c60a5517446/ace-05-splits/sample.json#L5 to
reverse/dep=-1/gov=-32 loop/dep=-1/gov=-1 loop/dep=32/gov=32
in train/dev/test.json file?

airkid commented 5 years ago

Sorry I did't notice the process code.