lxc / distrobuilder

System container image builder for LXC and Incus
Apache License 2.0
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centos/8-Stream EOL and yum.repos baseurl moved to vault.centos.org #857

Closed kimfaint closed 3 weeks ago

kimfaint commented 3 weeks ago

Noticed CentOS 8-Stream images dnf failing today:

$ incus launch images:centos/8-Stream c8
Launching c8
$ incus shell c8
[root@c8 ~]# dnf install wget
CentOS Stream 8 - AppStream                                                                                                                                                       62  B/s |  38  B     00:00
Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'appstream': Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: No URLs in mirrorlist

I guess this started from May 31 with 8-Stream going EOL

Was able to workaround by moving repos baseurl to the vault.centos.org:

[root@c8 ~]# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
[root@c8 yum.repos.d]# sudo sed -i 's/mirrorlist/#mirrorlist/g' /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-*
[root@c8 yum.repos.d]# sudo sed -i 's|#baseurl=http://mirror.centos.org|baseurl=http://vault.centos.org|g' /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-*

I suppose this will also be an issue for CentOS 7 after June 30

Given this comment, I expect the image will be removed anyhow.

stgraber commented 3 weeks ago

We stopped building CentOS 8 on June 6th. Our image server has a 10 days threshold before it starts deleting images with no builds, so CentOS 8 will fully disappear in the next couple of days.