lxc / incus

Powerful system container and virtual machine manager
Apache License 2.0
2.78k stars 224 forks source link

Invalidate the repo cache when hitting 404s #1373

Open Salamandar opened 1 week ago

Salamandar commented 1 week ago

tl;dr :

# incus image list yunohost:yunohost/trixie-unstable/appci
|                  ALIAS                  | FINGERPRINT  | PUBLIC |                  DESCRIPTION                  | ARCHITECTURE |   TYPE    |   SIZE    |     UPLOAD DATE      |
| yunohost/trixie-unstable/appci (1 more) | 500dedd061a0 | yes    | yunohost trixie-unstable amd64 (202411120627) | x86_64       | CONTAINER | 369.71MiB | 2024/11/12 01:00 CET |

but :

# incus image copy yunohost:yunohost/trixie-unstable/appci local: --copy-aliases --auto-update --debug
DEBUG  [2024-11-14T00:12:23+01:00] Connecting to a remote simplestreams server   URL="https://repo.yunohost.org/incus/"
DEBUG  [2024-11-14T00:12:23+01:00] Connecting to a local Incus over a Unix socket 
DEBUG  [2024-11-14T00:12:23+01:00] Sending request to Incus                      etag= method=GET url="http://unix.socket/1.0"
DEBUG  [2024-11-14T00:12:23+01:00] Got response struct from Incus               
DEBUG  [2024-11-14T00:12:23+01:00] 
        "config": {},
        "api_extensions": [
        "api_status": "stable",
        "api_version": "1.0",
        "auth": "trusted",
        "public": false,
        "auth_methods": [
        "auth_user_name": "root",
        "auth_user_method": "unix",
        "environment": {
            "addresses": [],
            "architectures": [
            "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nYoIsC9p8\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
            "certificate_fingerprint": "b5ecab9e9501758aed58618d0926744ff9870d0c44b8cc892c64dbbc378885b9",
            "driver": "lxc",
            "driver_version": "6.0.2",
            "firewall": "nftables",
            "kernel": "Linux",
            "kernel_architecture": "x86_64",
            "kernel_features": {
                "idmapped_mounts": "true",
                "netnsid_getifaddrs": "true",
                "seccomp_listener": "true",
                "seccomp_listener_continue": "true",
                "uevent_injection": "true",
                "unpriv_binfmt": "false",
                "unpriv_fscaps": "true"
            "kernel_version": "6.1.0-26-amd64",
            "lxc_features": {
                "cgroup2": "true",
                "core_scheduling": "true",
                "devpts_fd": "true",
                "idmapped_mounts_v2": "true",
                "mount_injection_file": "true",
                "network_gateway_device_route": "true",
                "network_ipvlan": "true",
                "network_l2proxy": "true",
                "network_phys_macvlan_mtu": "true",
                "network_veth_router": "true",
                "pidfd": "true",
                "seccomp_allow_deny_syntax": "true",
                "seccomp_notify": "true",
                "seccomp_proxy_send_notify_fd": "true"
            "os_name": "Debian GNU/Linux",
            "os_version": "12",
            "project": "default",
            "server": "incus",
            "server_clustered": false,
            "server_event_mode": "full-mesh",
            "server_name": "ci-apps-trixie.yunohost.org",
            "server_pid": 1939726,
            "server_version": "6.6",
            "storage": "btrfs",
            "storage_version": "6.2",
            "storage_supported_drivers": [
                    "Name": "dir",
                    "Version": "1",
                    "Remote": false
                    "Name": "lvm",
                    "Version": "2.03.16(2) (2022-05-18) / 1.02.185 (2022-05-18) / 4.47.0",
                    "Remote": false
                    "Name": "lvmcluster",
                    "Version": "2.03.16(2) (2022-05-18) / 1.02.185 (2022-05-18) / 4.47.0",
                    "Remote": true
                    "Name": "btrfs",
                    "Version": "6.2",
                    "Remote": false
DEBUG  [2024-11-14T00:12:23+01:00] Connected to the websocket: ws://unix.socket/1.0/events 
DEBUG  [2024-11-14T00:12:23+01:00] Sending request to Incus                      etag= method=POST url="http://unix.socket/1.0/images"
DEBUG  [2024-11-14T00:12:23+01:00] 
        "auto_update": true,
        "properties": null,
        "public": false,
        "expires_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "profiles": null,
        "filename": "",
        "source": {
            "alias": "",
            "certificate": "",
            "protocol": "simplestreams",
            "server": "https://repo.yunohost.org/incus",
            "image_type": "",
            "mode": "pull",
            "type": "image",
            "url": "",
            "name": "",
            "fingerprint": "yunohost/trixie-unstable/appci",
            "secret": "",
            "project": ""
        "compression_algorithm": "",
        "aliases": null
DEBUG  [2024-11-14T00:12:23+01:00] Got operation from Incus                     
DEBUG  [2024-11-14T00:12:23+01:00] 
        "id": "8a8365f8-e3eb-46aa-bee4-9475b245a558",
        "class": "task",
        "description": "Downloading image",
        "created_at": "2024-11-14T00:12:23.453309982+01:00",
        "updated_at": "2024-11-14T00:12:23.453309982+01:00",
        "status": "Running",
        "status_code": 103,
        "resources": {},
        "metadata": null,
        "may_cancel": false,
        "err": "",
        "location": "none"
DEBUG  [2024-11-14T00:12:23+01:00] Sending request to Incus                      etag= method=GET url="http://unix.socket/1.0/operations/8a8365f8-e3eb-46aa-bee4-9475b245a558"
DEBUG  [2024-11-14T00:12:23+01:00] Got response struct from Incus               
DEBUG  [2024-11-14T00:12:23+01:00] 
        "id": "8a8365f8-e3eb-46aa-bee4-9475b245a558",
        "class": "task",
        "description": "Downloading image",
        "created_at": "2024-11-14T00:12:23.453309982+01:00",
        "updated_at": "2024-11-14T00:12:23.453309982+01:00",
        "status": "Running",
        "status_code": 103,
        "resources": {},
        "metadata": null,
        "may_cancel": false,
        "err": "",
        "location": "none"
Error: Failed remote image download: Unable to fetch https://repo.yunohost.org/incus/images/1b46a0dfacf7eedb0bfef3f9a3877b54ed9185c8960de67e1b53d2e0e8d52f91.incus_combined.tar.gz: 404 Not Found

It looks like the incus daemon caches the index of the repository but doesn't know when to refresh it. When reading the logs of the nginx server serving the simplestreams repository, i can see the requests for the image, but not for the images.json index. You can see the sha1 mismatch (500dedd061a0 when listing, 1b46a0dfacf7eedb0bfef3f9a3877b54ed9185c8960de67e1b53d2e0e8d52f91 when fetching)

(I'm going to sleep, hence the very short issue, but feel free to request more info, i'll reply tomorrow :D )

stgraber commented 1 week ago

The Incus daemon caches simplestreams data for up to an hour. The client on the other hand only caches for 5 minutes.

So incus image list remote: would hit a 5 minutes client cache at ~/.cache/incus/. On the server side, the equivalent cache is an hour long and stores the files at /var/cache/incus/.

Can you confirm that you are past that 1h cache expiry in your case?

Salamandar commented 1 week ago

Ah ! Thank you ! Yes, indeed, you're right. I was clearing the client cache hoping it would help… but could not find the server cache.

IMHO, when hitting 404s, the cache should be invalidated.