lxc / terraform-provider-incus

Incus provider for Terraform/OpenTofu
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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No "remote" resource #32

Closed antifob closed 5 months ago

antifob commented 5 months ago


I was looking at this project referenced at [1] and noticed that there's no way to manage remotes. Something along the lines of

resource "incus_remote" "remote" {
  name = "myremote"
  url = "https://example.invalid/"


1: https://discuss.linuxcontainers.org/t/ansible-guidance-receiving-errors-when-using-lxd-container-plugin/18734

stgraber commented 5 months ago

Remotes aren't a server-side concept, it's just something that the incus command line tool implements as a way to interact with multiple servers.

adamcstephens commented 5 months ago

You can specify the remotes in the provider block: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/lxc/incus/latest/docs#specifying-multiple-remotes

Though ideally we'd refactor that at some point to have multiple incus provider blocks, as that's the more modern pattern with terraform.