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"Collection is missing pid for item 0." #43

Open egpalazzolo opened 1 month ago

egpalazzolo commented 1 month ago

Have been trying to rerun wax tasks (on the branch "new") on the expanded version of the document set for the new site with .csv generated in Airtable and cleaned through OpenRefine. It keeps giving the error:

"WaxTasks::Error::MissingPid: Collection is missing pid for item 0. Hint: review common .csv formatting issues (such as hidden characters) in the documentation: https://minicomp.github.io/wiki/wax/preparing-your-collection-data/metadata/"

when i try to run for new pages :(

egpalazzolo commented 1 month ago

After uploading the .csv to Google sheets from Airtable and then re-downloading, it seemed to work just fine...

jabrah commented 1 month ago

Update: Looks like either the Airtable export or OpenRefine steps are adding BOM encoding data to the beginning of the CSV (more likely Airtable). The BOM (byte order mark) are a couple of bytes of data that appear at the very beginning of the file just before the pid header in a way that is tripping up how the Wax tasks are parsing the data.


Any of these options may work for this issue