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Improve translations and fix design of the ALSA volume control popup #15

Closed ib closed 11 months ago

ib commented 3 years ago

Some texts could not be translated properly or not at all.

The inside of the sound control popup looked somewhat broken due to the use of shadowing.

LStranger commented 3 years ago

What do you mean is bad with shadowing? It looks OK for me. It can be made an option though. Thank you very much. Will consider it for version 0.11.0.

ib commented 3 years ago


The original has an uneven frame due to the shadow (outline is bevelled inwards), which is dark on the left and top and light on the right and bottom. This looks somehow "broken" with the small pop-up: original

The patched version has IMHO an even and clear frame: patched

LStranger commented 3 years ago

@ib, thank you very much for clarification. I have another theme so didn't noticed that. Looks reasonable although it might worth an option in config, some may still prefer original design.