lxg2015 / faceboxes

使用pytorch实现了FaceBoxes: A CPU Real-time Face Detector with High Accuracy
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doubts #4

Open vaishnavm217 opened 6 years ago

vaishnavm217 commented 6 years ago

Hi, I made changes to your network. Added the batchnorm and xavier initializations, but i noticed you have used Adam optimizer while paper used SGD with decay and momentum, even the parameters are not the same of paper. I followed the same methodology, but my loss is still pretty high (~3.5),still need to do eval using widerface eval.

  1. Did you train it on widerface train+val or only train?
  2. For eval, did you use the evaluation tool present in site?
Vermeille commented 6 years ago

Yeah the code is reaaaaaaaally weird...

If you've found some explanations, I'll gladly listen to them