lxhyl / v4-core

🦄 🦄 🦄 🦄 Core smart contracts of Uniswap v4
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提供一个exmaple #3

Open lxhyl opened 2 weeks ago

lxhyl commented 2 weeks ago


lxhylbot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

To provide an example of how to use the Uniswap v4-core, specifically for adding liquidity to a pool, here's a simplified guide based on the PoolManager contract and its tests.

Step-by-Step Guide to Provide Liquidity

  1. Initialize the Pool: Before adding liquidity, the pool must be initialized. This involves setting up the pool with the desired parameters such as the two currencies, fee, and tick spacing.

  2. Modify Position: Once the pool is initialized, liquidity can be added by modifying the position. This involves specifying the range of ticks and the amount of liquidity to add.

Example Code

Below is a simplified example in Solidity to illustrate how to initialize a pool and add liquidity:

pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import {IPoolManager} from 'v4-core/contracts/interfaces/IPoolManager.sol';
import {Currency} from 'v4-core/contracts/libraries/CurrencyLibrary.sol';

contract LiquidityProvider {
    IPoolManager poolManager;

    constructor(address _poolManager) {
        poolManager = IPoolManager(_poolManager);

    function initializePool(
        Currency currency0,
        Currency currency1,
        uint24 fee,
        int24 tickSpacing,
        uint160 sqrtPriceX96
    ) external {
        IPoolManager.PoolKey memory key = IPoolManager.PoolKey({
            currency0: currency0,
            currency1: currency1,
            fee: fee,
            hooks: IHooks(address(0)), // No hooks for simplicity
            tickSpacing: tickSpacing

        poolManager.initialize(key, sqrtPriceX96);

    function addLiquidity(
        Currency currency0,
        Currency currency1,
        uint24 fee,
        int24 tickLower,
        int24 tickUpper,
        int256 liquidityDelta
    ) external {
        IPoolManager.PoolKey memory key = IPoolManager.PoolKey({
            currency0: currency0,
            currency1: currency1,
            fee: fee,
            hooks: IHooks(address(0)), // No hooks for simplicity
            tickSpacing: 60 // Example tick spacing

        IPoolManager.ModifyPositionParams memory params = IPoolManager.ModifyPositionParams({
            tickLower: tickLower,
            tickUpper: tickUpper,
            liquidityDelta: liquidityDelta

        poolManager.modifyPosition(key, params);



This example provides a basic framework to interact with the Uniswap v4-core for liquidity provision. Adjust the parameters and logic as needed for your specific use case.

lxhylbot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago



Here's an example of how to use v4-core to provide liquidity to a pool. This example demonstrates initializing a pool and modifying a position to add liquidity using the PoolManager contract.

pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import { IPoolManager } from './interfaces/IPoolManager.sol';

contract LiquidityProvider {
    IPoolManager poolManager;

    constructor(address _poolManager) {
        poolManager = IPoolManager(_poolManager);

    function provideLiquidity(
        IPoolManager.PoolKey memory poolKey,
        int24 tickLower,
        int24 tickUpper,
        int256 liquidityDelta
    ) external {
        // Initialize the pool if not already done
        poolManager.initialize(poolKey, 1 << 96); // Example sqrtPriceX96

        // Acquire lock and modify position to add liquidity
        poolManager.lock(abi.encode(poolKey, tickLower, tickUpper, liquidityDelta));

    function lockAcquired(uint256 id, bytes calldata data) external returns (bytes memory) {
        (IPoolManager.PoolKey memory poolKey, int24 tickLower, int24 tickUpper, int256 liquidityDelta) = abi.decode(data, (IPoolManager.PoolKey, int24, int24, int256));
        return abi.encode(poolManager.modifyPosition(poolKey, IPoolManager.ModifyPositionParams(tickLower, tickUpper, liquidityDelta)));

This contract demonstrates how to interact with the PoolManager to provide liquidity. It initializes a pool and modifies a position to add liquidity, using the lock function to ensure atomic operations. Adjust the parameters as needed for your specific use case.

lxhylbot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago
Reflection - **Ambiguities Identified**: - The user is asking for an example of how to use the `v4-core` to provide liquidity to a pool. It's unclear if they need a full working example or just a snippet. - The specific details of the pool (e.g., currencies, fees, tick spacing) that the user wants to use are not provided. - **Analysis and Suggestions**: - The `PoolManager` contract is central to managing pools, including initializing pools and modifying positions to provide liquidity. - The `initialize` function in `PoolManager` sets up a new pool with specified parameters like currencies, fees, and tick spacing. - The `modifyPosition` function is used to add or remove liquidity from a pool. - The test file `PoolManager.t.sol` provides examples of how to initialize a pool and modify positions, which can be adapted into a user-facing example. - **Actionable Items**: - Create a simple example that demonstrates initializing a pool and adding liquidity using the `PoolManager` contract. - Ensure the example includes necessary setup steps, such as deploying the contract and setting up currencies. - **Pseudocode**: ```solidity // Assume necessary imports and contract setup function provideLiquidity() public { // Define pool parameters IPoolManager.PoolKey memory key = IPoolManager.PoolKey({ currency0: currency0, currency1: currency1, fee: 3000, hooks: IHooks(address(0)), tickSpacing: 60 }); // Initialize the pool manager.initialize(key, initialSqrtPriceX96); // Modify position to add liquidity IPoolManager.ModifyPositionParams memory params = IPoolManager.ModifyPositionParams({ tickLower: -60, tickUpper: 60, liquidityDelta: 1000 }); manager.modifyPosition(key, params); } ```


  1. 初始化池:使用PoolManager合约的initialize函数来创建一个新的池。需要指定货币、费用和tick间距等参数。
  2. 提供流动性:使用modifyPosition函数来增加流动性。


// 假设已经完成必要的导入和合约设置

function provideLiquidity() public {
    // 定义池参数
    IPoolManager.PoolKey memory key = IPoolManager.PoolKey({
        currency0: currency0,
        currency1: currency1,
        fee: 3000,
        hooks: IHooks(address(0)),
        tickSpacing: 60

    // 初始化池
    manager.initialize(key, initialSqrtPriceX96);

    // 修改位置以增加流动性
    IPoolManager.ModifyPositionParams memory params = IPoolManager.ModifyPositionParams({
        tickLower: -60,
        tickUpper: 60,
        liquidityDelta: 1000

    manager.modifyPosition(key, params);


lxhylbot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago
Reflection - **Ambiguities Identified**: - The user is asking for an example of how to use the `v4-core` to provide liquidity to a pool. It's unclear if they need a full working example or just a snippet. - The specific details of the pool (e.g., currencies involved, fee structure) are not provided, which might affect the example. - **Analysis and Suggestions**: - The `PoolManager` contract is central to managing pool operations, including providing liquidity. The `modifyPosition` function in `PoolManager.sol` is used to add or remove liquidity. - The `IPoolManager` interface provides the necessary function signatures for interacting with pools, such as `modifyPosition`. - The `Pool` library handles the logic for modifying positions, including checks for tick boundaries and liquidity calculations. - A simple example can be constructed using these components to demonstrate how to provide liquidity. - **Actionable Items**: - Create a simple Solidity contract that interacts with `PoolManager` to provide liquidity. - Use the `modifyPosition` function to add liquidity to a pool. - Ensure the example includes necessary setup, such as pool initialization and currency handling. - **Pseudocode**: ```solidity contract LiquidityProvider { IPoolManager poolManager; constructor(address _poolManager) { poolManager = IPoolManager(_poolManager); } function provideLiquidity( PoolKey memory key, int24 tickLower, int24 tickUpper, int256 liquidityDelta ) external { IPoolManager.ModifyPositionParams memory params = IPoolManager.ModifyPositionParams({ tickLower: tickLower, tickUpper: tickUpper, liquidityDelta: liquidityDelta }); poolManager.modifyPosition(key, params); } } ```


contract LiquidityProvider {
    IPoolManager poolManager;

    constructor(address _poolManager) {
        poolManager = IPoolManager(_poolManager);

    function provideLiquidity(
        PoolKey memory key,
        int24 tickLower,
        int24 tickUpper,
        int256 liquidityDelta
    ) external {
        IPoolManager.ModifyPositionParams memory params = IPoolManager.ModifyPositionParams({
            tickLower: tickLower,
            tickUpper: tickUpper,
            liquidityDelta: liquidityDelta

        poolManager.modifyPosition(key, params);
