lxieyang / vertical-tabs-chrome-extension

A chrome extension that presents your tabs vertically. Problem solved.
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[Suggestion] Hope to be able to set the response time for sidebar activation #104

Open godefy opened 2 years ago

godefy commented 2 years ago

At present, only the response time of the sidebar hidden can be set. This time is very short and it is easy to touch it by mistake. Another situation is that I use dual monitors. I put one of my pages on the right monitor to display, and the sidebar is on the left. At this time, when my mouse switches between the two monitors, I will touch it by mistake. this sidebar. If you add a sidebar to hide the response time, you can solve this problem.

In addition, it is best to support the identification of a web page in the independent program mode (web page shortcut created in the settings), without activating the sidebar. Because the window tab is unique in that state, there is no need to pop up the sidebar.

[建议]希望能设置侧边栏激活的响应时间 目前只能设置侧边栏隐藏的响应时间,这个时间非常短,很容易误触。另外还有一种情况是,我使用了双显示器,我将我的一个页面放在了右边显示器显示,侧边栏在左边,这时我的鼠标在两个显示器间切换的时候,都会误触到这个侧边栏。如果增加一个侧边栏隐藏响应时间,就可以解决这个问题。 另外,最好可以支持识别一个网页处于独立程序模式(在设置里创建的网页快捷方式)的时候,可以不激活侧边栏。因为那种状态下该窗口页签唯一,完全没有必要弹出侧边栏。