lxieyang / vertical-tabs-chrome-extension

A chrome extension that presents your tabs vertically. Problem solved.
MIT License
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iframe-background.gif (question) #23

Closed smaragdus closed 4 years ago

smaragdus commented 4 years ago


When I use Image Downloader Continued (Chrome Web Store, GitHub), an extension which extracts all image files found in a web page, it also gets a GIF file:


which turned out to be a part of Vertical Tabs extension, screen:

Image Downloader Continued 2 8 - 2020-01-20 - 003

This file appears every time I extract images using Image Downloader Continued and I find this a bit annoying. Can you confirm this? Is there any workaround? Is this file (iframe-background.gif) needed for Vertical Tabs to function properly?

lxieyang commented 4 years ago

Hi, thanks for reporting the issue! A fix has been implemented and pushed to the Chrome Web Store. Please expect an update in about a week.

Also, thanks so much for trying this extension out! It really means the world to me!

smaragdus commented 4 years ago


Thank you for the extremely quick response and fix! You are very helpful as usual!

I have several ideas for possible enhancements but before suggesting anything I would like to know whether you would like to keep your extension as simple as possible or you don't mind adding new features? Also- which would be better- to suggest ideas in separate issues or in a single issue?


lxieyang commented 4 years ago

Please feel free to open up separate issues describing your ideas! My original intention was to keep the extension as a minimalistic one. However, my current thoughts are:

lxieyang commented 4 years ago

@smaragdus v1.6.1 is live on the Chrome Web Store. Please update and see if the bug has been fixed. Thanks!

smaragdus commented 4 years ago


I got version 1.6.1 of Vertical Tabs through Chrome Web Store and I can confirm that the file I mentioned above (iframe-background.gif) no longer appears in the extracted images, thank you!