lxieyang / vertical-tabs-chrome-extension

A chrome extension that presents your tabs vertically. Problem solved.
MIT License
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Tab window does'nt unhide itself on many website. #63

Open kieric82 opened 3 years ago

kieric82 commented 3 years ago


Fisrt, thank you for you app. I noticed on my Win10 machine that the Autohide function worked when I was on some website i.e. Github. But on pretty much everywhere else, it doesn't come up when sending the mous to the edge of the screen.

Thanks for your help, much appreciated.

kekukui commented 3 years ago

Some tabs may have to be reloaded after installing this extension. Also possible that some other extension may be interfering. Which browser / version are you using? Did you try installing this extension in another browser to see if the issue persists?