lxn / walk

A Windows GUI toolkit for the Go Programming Language
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Crash encountered when calling NewMainWindow #632

Closed ladevieq closed 4 years ago

ladevieq commented 4 years ago


First of all, thanks for the great work on walk.

Since i uptaded walk to a recent version (the previous version was 8 month old), calling NewMainWindow() make the program crash.

I'm using Windows10 and Go 1.13.

The crash logs the message TTM_ADDTOOL failed.

The problem happen when the code try to add a tooltip, in tooltip.go, line 185.

After some investigation, i'm not sure about it but, i found that the value returned by the function is not the same as win.FALSE but the error is thrown anyway.

lxn commented 4 years ago


Thanks for the kind words.

Your previous version of walk probably generated a manifest file for you. In https://github.com/lxn/walk/pull/451/commits/a66955062fa637aa4bcae7707dbc51e1d1c1254f this behavior was reverted. Please have a look at the README file for what to do.

ladevieq commented 4 years ago


I've started using a manifest as in the examples, and it works perfectly.

Thank you keep on the great work.


You can close the issue.