lxn / walk

A Windows GUI toolkit for the Go Programming Language
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LineEdit doesn't receive OnTextChanged event when inside a GroupBox #827

Open rbeer opened 5 months ago

rbeer commented 5 months ago

When adding a declarative LineEdit to a GroupBox, the LineEdit's OnTextChanged handler isn't called.

  1. Run below sample code
  2. Enter '123' in left LineEdit (both handlers are called)
  3. Enter '123' in the right LineEdit, inside the GoupBox (only OnEditingFinished is called)


package main

import (

    . "github.com/lxn/walk/declarative"

func main() {
        Title:   "no-onTextChanged-in-groupbox",
        Size:    Size{Width: 400, Height: 100},
        MinSize: Size{Width: 400, Height: 100},
        Layout:  Flow{},
        Children: []Widget{
                OnTextChanged: func() {
                    fmt.Println("nogroup changed")
                OnEditingFinished: func() {
                    fmt.Println("nogroup finished")
                Layout: HBox{},
                Children: []Widget{
                        OnTextChanged: func() {
                            fmt.Println("group changed")
                        OnEditingFinished: func() {
                            fmt.Println("group finished")