A complete list of IATA Airports including IATA code, ICAO code, Time zone, name, city code, two-letter ISO country code, URL, elevation above sea level in feet, coordinates in decimal degrees, geo encoded city, county and state.
The SIC record is mislabelled as "Sinop Airport" which is in Turkey (NOP/LTCM) and whose location it (erroneously) shares, it should be named "San José Airport"
Location: 8.2625, -79.077778 130'
It's hard to say what the city/state should be.
The SIC record is mislabelled as "Sinop Airport" which is in Turkey (NOP/LTCM) and whose location it (erroneously) shares, it should be named "San José Airport" Location: 8.2625, -79.077778 130' It's hard to say what the city/state should be.