lxqt / lxqt-kcm-integration

Windowmanager integration for LXQt
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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kwin integration #1

Open agaida opened 5 years ago

agaida commented 5 years ago

create a lxqt-kwin file for kcmshell5

ghost commented 5 years ago

after looking at whole discussion i am so much confused. when installing kwin,systemsetting is also needed for kwin configuration but if you dont install systemsetting it also dont install plasma-workspace. which is good. so an lxqt-kwin config is good

maverick74 commented 5 years ago

in case you missed it: https://cubiclenate.com/2019/01/27/using-kwin-on-lxqt-with-opensuse/

agaida commented 5 years ago

oha - they have more technical knowledge, we should hire them <\/sarcasm>

Really, i guess some comments are meant as a joke. if so, not that funny.

maverick74 commented 5 years ago

@agaida i'm intrigued... are you referring to my comment or to comments on the link i posted (or neither)?

agaida commented 5 years ago

@maverick74 - of course - it is obvious, isn't it??

maverick74 commented 5 years ago

@agaida not quite that obvious because i don't see any comments on that link, but "my comment" was also not a joke. My intention was also not to say that "they have more technical knowledge", but to provide "some kind of feedback" that there are more people out there that like this combination...

so, as you can see, it not that obvious

I thought it could be of interest to know about it... sorry if i polluted your issue...

tsujan commented 5 years ago

@maverick74 Read this page and you'll see that kind of feedback was completely irrelevant. You could post such things in the forum though -- that might be useful to some.

agaida commented 5 years ago

if i would get a dime if people read the whole thread and understand it - i would be a rich man. @maverick74 try to change some colors or the appearance in the OpenSuse thing. Have fun, you will likely find out that the needed styles and colors kcm are in the plasma package

tsujan commented 5 years ago

@agaida Related to this page: I bet you KDE won't cooperate with LXQt. I'll be glad if I lose though.

agaida commented 5 years ago

Systeminfo Module

agaida commented 5 years ago

Bluetooth Module

agaida commented 5 years ago

Kwin Module

agaida commented 5 years ago

Appearance Module

agaida commented 5 years ago

All these things need proper testing and refinement - and somethings will have no effect or collide a bit with lxqt-config-appearance - Reason: We use a the lxqt-session. At least it works with not to much limitations.

tsujan commented 5 years ago

Works without problem here (plasma 5.16.5).

kdeinit5 and kactivitymanagerd start here but I can stop them later because I only use settings related to KWin.

agaida commented 5 years ago

there is a bug in the arch packaging - kinit is not needed as dependency - the only dependencies should be:

Work in progress, there will be maybe additional dependencies.

tsujan commented 5 years ago

there is a bug in the arch packaging - kinit is not needed as dependency

If you mean my "problem", it isn't a problem ;) I have a full KDE installation. If not, those who use KDE stuff under LXQt are "worse" than me -- I only use KWIn.

agaida commented 5 years ago

not needed dependencies are bugs :D

agaida commented 5 years ago
nano /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.kde.kglobalaccel.service
nano /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.kde.activitymanager.service

Ok - i would call it design flaw in dbus services - or in desktop environments who use these services unreflected - as a matter of fact: There is no way to stop or limit those processes if they are installed. It might be that /usr/share/dbus-1... can be overridden by /etc/xdg or ~/.config.

Anyways, the service files are not aware of the running environment and this could be considered as fucking bad design.

Edit: i don't run KDE - so i commented out the Exec line - done.

agaida commented 5 years ago

Btw - i wrote somewhere we could learn something from KDE - one example:

So we should look carefully.

tsujan commented 5 years ago

Btw - i wrote somewhere we could learn something from KDE - one example:

I'm familiar with them; all of those 6 fonts are redundant except for General and Monospace. As I mentioned elsewhere, we need "monospace" and its implementation should be a piece of cake.

tsujan commented 5 years ago

KDE likes to show some relations stronger than what they really are — perhaps, in order to make config dialogs tidier. But there are side effects. For example, putting the title-bar font in that dialog makes the Breeze title-bar less flexible outside KDE (I've put it inside BreezeEnhanced's config dialog, so that it's usable in LXQt too).

IMO, we shouldn't copy KDE in this regard; otherwise, modularity will be damaged.

agaida commented 5 years ago

We should see which things make sense - see also my bug about xsettingsd - if we change configs we should also find a way to provide these configs :sunglasses:

In other words - we should see what we can use - but only one font is a bit sparse.

tsujan commented 5 years ago

We should see which things make sense

Exactly! There are lots of KDE things that make sense -- and there are some that don't.

agaida commented 5 years ago

only for the records - i guess i will upload lxqt-kcm to AUR next days - when done i remove the packaging bits from our repo - same for Debian, but this will take a bit longer :smile:

tsujan commented 5 years ago

IMO, lxqt-kcm is the best possible compromise. KDE wants to keep things together; LXQt users may want some of KDE things.

ghost commented 5 years ago

in arch pkgbuild plasma-desktop and plasma-workspace should be optional deps instead of dependencies

ghost commented 5 years ago

also add systemd-kcm and sddm-kcm

agaida commented 5 years ago

@librewish - nope plasma-workspace is a hard dependency, without:

~ % kcmshell5 --caption "LXQt KWin Settings" --desktopfile=/usr/share/kservices5/kwindecoration.desktop kwinactions kwindecoration kwinfocus kwinmoving kwinadvanced kwinrules kwincompositing kwineffects kwintabbox kwinscreenedges kwinscripts
kcmshell5: error while loading shared libraries: libkworkspace5.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Software is in the very most cases not wishware - we have deoendencies.

ghost commented 5 years ago

to run kcmshell5 needs only that single file libkworkspace5.so.5 by placing ot in /usr/lib/ so provide this file in the package and conflict the package with plasma-workspace so it reduces number of dependencies i do this and kcmshell5 works.

tsujan commented 5 years ago

so provide this file in the package

Never! No one puts a ".so" file or compiled binary inside a source file.

ghost commented 5 years ago

when are you gonna add it to aur. or do i do it?

tsujan commented 4 years ago


With Plasma 5.17, changing the "color scheme" breaks GTK themes by adding colors.css and gtk.css to ~/.config/gtk-3.0. That's definitely a new KDE bug. Please don't mistake it for an LXQt bug!

In the last 2 days, this is the third KDE bug that can affect LXQt indirectly (see https://github.com/lxqt/pcmanfm-qt/issues/1030 and https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt/issues/1752).

agaida commented 4 years ago


maverick74 commented 4 years ago

will this get any "official" announcement? since it didn't show up on the blog, is it still experimental or something?

jubalh commented 4 years ago

As you can see under: https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt-kcm-integration/releases It is release 0.0.1 and it has "prerelease", clearly written there.

agaida commented 4 years ago

one can consider it as a "working model" - not less and not more

ghost commented 4 years ago

add kscreenlocker in the package

as we can set kscreenlocker as lock screen with




[Desktop Entry]
Exec=kcmshell5 screenlocker

Name=Screen Locking
Name[ca]=Bloqueig de la pantalla
Name[ca@valencia]=Bloqueig de la pantalla
Name[cs]=Uzamykání obrazovky
Name[el]=Κλείδωμα οθόνης
Name[en_GB]=Screen Locking
Name[es]=Bloqueo de pantalla
Name[et]=Ekraani lukustamine
Name[eu]=Pantaila giltzatzea
Name[fi]=Näytön lukitus
Name[fr]=Verrouillage de l'écran
Name[gl]=Trancar a pantalla
Name[he]=נעילת מסך
Name[id]=Penguncian Layar
Name[it]=Blocco dello schermo
Name[ko]=화면 잠금
Name[lt]=Ekrano užraktas
Name[nl]=Scherm vergrendelen
Name[pa]=ਸਕਰੀਨ ਲਾਕ
Name[pl]=Blokada ekranu
Name[pt]=Bloqueio do Ecrã
Name[pt_BR]=Bloqueio de tela
Name[ru]=Блокировка экрана
Name[sk]=Zamykanie obrazovky
Name[sl]=Zaklep zaslona
Name[sr]=Закључавање екрана
Name[sr@ijekavian]=Закључавање екрана
Name[sr@ijekavianlatin]=Zaključavanje ekrana
Name[sr@latin]=Zaključavanje ekrana
Name[tr]=Ekran Kilitleme
Name[uk]=Блокування екрана
Name[x-test]=xxScreen Lockingxx
Comment=Configure screen locking
Comment[ca]=Configura el bloqueig de la pantalla
Comment[cs]=Nastavit uzamykání obrazovky
Comment[da]=Indstil skærmlås
Comment[de]=Bildschirmsperre einrichten
Comment[en_GB]=Configure screen locking
Comment[es]=Configurar el bloqueo de pantalla
Comment[eu]=Konfiguratu pantaila giltzatzea
Comment[fi]=Näytön lukituksen asetukset
Comment[fr]=Configurer le verrouillage de l'écran
Comment[gl]=Configurar o trancamento da pantalla
Comment[hu]=Képernyőzárolás beállítása
Comment[id]=Konfigurasikan penguncian layar
Comment[it]=Configura il blocco dello schermo
Comment[ko]=화면 잠금 설정
Comment[lt]=Konfigūruoti ekrano užrakinimą
Comment[nl]=Schermvergrendeling configureren
Comment[nn]=Set opp skjermlåsing
Comment[pl]=Ustawienia blokady ekranu
Comment[pt]=Configurar o bloqueio do ecrã
Comment[pt_BR]=Configura o bloqueio de tela
Comment[ru]=Настройка блокировщика экрана
Comment[sk]=Nastaviť zamykanie obrazovky
Comment[sv]=Anpassa skärmlåsning
Comment[uk]=Налаштування блокування екрана
Comment[x-test]=xxConfigure screen lockingxx
X-KDE-Keywords=lock,resume, screensaver, screenlock
X-KDE-Keywords[ca]=bloqueig,reprendre,estalvi de pantalla,bloqueig de pantalla
X-KDE-Keywords[ca@valencia]=bloqueig,reprendre,estalvi de pantalla,bloqueig de pantalla
X-KDE-Keywords[cs]=zamknout,pokračovat, spořič, zámek
X-KDE-Keywords[de]=Sperren,Sperre aufheben,Bildschirmschoner,Bildschirmsperre
X-KDE-Keywords[el]=κλείδωμα,συνέχιση,προφύλαξη οθόνης,κλείδωμα οθόνης
X-KDE-Keywords[en_GB]=lock,resume, screensaver, screenlock
X-KDE-Keywords[es]=bloquear, reanudar, salvapantallas, bloqueo de pantalla
X-KDE-Keywords[et]=lukustamine,taastamine,ekraanisäästja,ekraani lukustamine
X-KDE-Keywords[fi]=lock,resume, screensaver, screenlock, lukko, lukitseminen, herääminen, näytönsäästäjä, näyttölukko, lukitusnäyttö
X-KDE-Keywords[fr]=verrouiller, reprendre,écran de veille, verrouillage de l'écran
X-KDE-Keywords[gl]=bloquear,desbloquear,salvapantallas,bloqueo de pantalla
X-KDE-Keywords[he]=lock,resume, screensaver, screenlock,נעילה,שומר מסך,נעילת מסך
X-KDE-Keywords[id]=lock,resume, screensaver, screenlock
X-KDE-Keywords[it]=blocca, riprendi, salvaschermo, blocco dello schermo
X-KDE-Keywords[ko]=lock,resume, screensaver, screenlock,잠금,다시 시작,화면 보호기,화면 잠금
X-KDE-Keywords[lt]=užraktas,pabudimas,pratęsimas,ekrano užsklanda,ekrano užraktas
X-KDE-Keywords[nl]=grendel,hervatten, schermbeveiliging, schermbeveiliging
X-KDE-Keywords[pa]=ਲਾਕ, ਮੁੜ-ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ, ਸਕਰੀਨ-ਸੇਵਰ, ਸਕਰੀਨ-ਲਾਕ
X-KDE-Keywords[pl]=blokada, wznowienie, wygaszacz ekranu, blokada ekranu
X-KDE-Keywords[pt]=bloquear,retomar,protector de ecrã,bloqueio do ecrã
X-KDE-Keywords[pt_BR]=bloquear,continuar,retornar,protetor de tela,bloqueio de tela
X-KDE-Keywords[ru]=блокировщик экрана,экранная заставка,заставка,возобновление работы
X-KDE-Keywords[sk]=zamknúť,obnoviť,šetrič obrazovky,zamknutie obrazovky
X-KDE-Keywords[sl]=zaklep,nadaljevanje,ohranjevalnik zaslona,zaklep zaslona
X-KDE-Keywords[sr]=lock,resume,screensaver,screenlock,закључавање,настављање,чувар екрана
X-KDE-Keywords[sr@ijekavian]=lock,resume,screensaver,screenlock,закључавање,настављање,чувар екрана
X-KDE-Keywords[sr@ijekavianlatin]=lock,resume,screensaver,screenlock,zaključavanje,nastavljanje,čuvar ekrana
X-KDE-Keywords[sr@latin]=lock,resume,screensaver,screenlock,zaključavanje,nastavljanje,čuvar ekrana
X-KDE-Keywords[tr]=kilitle,devam et,ekran koruyucu,ekran kilidi
X-KDE-Keywords[uk]=lock,resume,screensaver,screenlock,блокування,замикання,відновлення,зберігач екрана,екран,блокування екрана
X-KDE-Keywords[x-test]=xxlockxx,xxresumexx,xx screensaverxx,xx screenlockxx
X-KDE-Keywords[zh_CN]=lock,resume, screensaver, screenlock,锁屏,恢复,屏幕保护,屏幕锁定
X-KDE-Keywords[zh_TW]=lock,resume, screensaver, screenlock