lyc8503 / UptimeFlare

✔ Free and serverless uptime monitoring / status page on Cloudflare Workers, with Geo-specific checks
Apache License 2.0
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add wechat webhook notification and website authenticaton #12

Open macaty opened 2 months ago

macaty commented 2 months ago

1、Add customized weibo webhook push 2、add page verification, user name, password authentication

macaty commented 2 months ago

3、add the set maintenance window, such as 0-6 , does not affect the availability and does not push alarm notification

lyc8503 commented 2 months ago
  1. 现在企业微信新注册的账号推送需要强制绑定 "可信 IP", 也就要求请求接口的源 IP 固定, Cloudflare Workers 做不到这一点, 想要实现 Wechat 推送就比较麻烦... (比如需要一台中转服务器)

2 和 3 可以作为新 feature 实现