lycHub / ysx-library

ysx component libraries
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Build error types #7

Open clabnet opened 9 months ago

clabnet commented 9 months ago

Get a fresh copy of this repo, running pnpm i and then pnpm build:types :

D:\_POMINI\labs\ysx-library-vue-virtual-tree\projects\VirtualTree>pnpm build:types

> @ysx-libs/vue-virtual-tree@0.0.3 build:types D:\_POMINI\labs\ysx-library-vue-virtual-tree\projects\VirtualTree
> tsc --project tsconfig.type.json

../../node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@17.0.45/node_modules/@types/node/globals.d.ts:72:13 - error TS2403: Subsequent variable declarations must have the same type.  Variable 'AbortSignal' must be of type '{ new (): AbortSignal; prototype: AbortSignal; abort(reason?: any): AbortSignal; timeout(milliseconds: number): AbortSignal; }', but here has type '{ new (): AbortSignal; prototype: AbortSignal; }'.

72 declare var AbortSignal: {

    2071 declare var AbortSignal: {
    'AbortSignal' was also declared here.

../../node_modules/.pnpm/@vue+runtime-core@3.2.37/node_modules/@vue/runtime-core/dist/runtime-core.d.ts:1846:33 - error TS2344: Type 'HostElement' does not satisfy the constraint 'RendererElement'.

1846     transition: TransitionHooks<HostElement> | null;

    1828 export declare interface VNode<HostNode = RendererNode, HostElement = RendererElement, ExtraProps = {
    This type parameter might need an `extends RendererElement` constraint.

Found 2 errors in 2 files.

Errors  Files
     1  ../../node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@17.0.45/node_modules/@types/node/globals.d.ts:72
     1  ../../node_modules/.pnpm/@vue+runtime-core@3.2.37/node_modules/@vue/runtime-core/dist/runtime-core.d.ts:1846
 ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 2.